chapter thirteen

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How did I live the past two years without this beautiful woman in my life?

I've had the most amazing night with Riley. To see her happily singing and dancing with her friends and for us to kiss and dance without a care who is watching us, it's fucking incredible.

As the band's set comes to an end, so does our night together. But I don't want it to be over. So I say something in the moment, to which I hope I don't regret if she says no.

"Hey, do you want to come to mine? I'd like to show you something."

She looks up at me with those beautiful big brown eyes and smiles.

"Sure." She says cheekily. She didn't have many drinks tonight, only a few and she stuck to water for the last couple of hours. When I asked if she was alright, she said she didn't want to be drunk so she could remember everything about this night. I think I fell even more for her right then.

I call an Uber to take us to mine, my entire body is buzzing from the high of our date tonight. Spending time with Riley again, tasting her, feeling her body with my hands has been nothing but perfect.

Making it back to my building, I take Riley's hand in mine and lead her inside. Her eyes are full of lust as she stares up at me grinning.

"We aren't going to mine just yet." I tell her as we arrive at the rooftop.

"There's a pool on the roof!" She laughs.

"Yep. It's heated too."

Cuddling her from behind as my arms wrap over her chest, she throws her bag on one of the chairs at the side of the pool.

"Are we going in?" She asks, leaning to one side so she can sneak a glance at me.

"If you want." I place a kiss on her open neck as the slight breeze blows her hair back.

"Oh I definitely want."

She lunges forward out of my grasp and starts kicking her shoes off and pulling her jeans down. I do the same and as soon as I'm in my boxers, I dive straight in.

When I rise up from under the water, I see her stood on the steps, slowly taking her time getting into the water. Her slim body barely covered by the sexiest lingerie I've ever seen.

She's fucking killing me here.

My eyes can't look away from her as she sexily takes one step at a time, her toned legs disappearing as she enters the water. As she climbed into the shallow end, she can reach the bottom to stand. I make my way over to her, desperately wanting to feel her body.

"This is amazing Chase. I love it here."

"The New York job paid well, I really needed it for my future."


Why did I fucking mention that? She doesn't need reminding about how I left her for that job.

"I forgive you, you know. All the time you were gone I thought that you just didn't want me. That I was just another girl to you."

"Never. You were special to me Riles. You still are."

"I know. I get that now. You couldn't choose between me and my family and the job was like an escape."

"Not an escape. Don't say it like that." My brows furrow at her words. I didn't want to leave, but I felt like I didn't have a choice.

"No, it's ok. I'm actually glad you went. I'm proud of you for everything you have achieved."

I'm proud of you.

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