chapter twenty

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"How are you feeling?"

I gulp down the mouthful of water as I groan, pushing my fingers through my hair.

"Not good."

"Well, we are about thirty minutes away."

"Great. Thanks for that."

Chase chuckles at me while gripping my jean clad thigh with his hand. I woke up this morning with a banging headache and slightly foggy memory of last night.

"You've had a tough week baby, you needed it." Chase smiles over to me.

"I haven't told my Mom your coming back with me."


"Sorry, I just text her saying are you free, I want to come and see you, just you and she said yes I'll be in all day, is everything ok."

"And what did you say to that?"

"See you tomorrow." I mutter.


"I know, I know. I'm sorry! I just didn't want to give too much away."

"So how does she think you are getting there?"

"I'm not sure actually, she never asked and I never said."

I hear Chase curse under his breath as I suddenly worry this is all too much and that we should turn around right now and go back to living in a world where no one knows we dated.

"Maybe we should-"

"No, Riley, we aren't going back."

"How did you-"

"Because I know you. You're freaking out right now. But it's going to be fine. Because I'm here with you and it's just your Mom ok? Everything will be fine."

"Yeah. Ok." I nod before going back to sipping my water.

It isn't long before we are pulling into my Mom's drive. I always loved growing up in this house as a kid especially the huge back garden we had to play in. Sadness washes over me as the car comes to a stop, this will be the first time I'm back visting and my Dad isn't here.

"I'm right here with you ok. However you want to do this, I'm here."

"I know and thank you for that. I just wish I was telling both my parents you know."

"I get it. I think about my Mom being here and telling her too."

"Oh god, Chase I'm sorry, I didn't even think-"

"No, hey it's alright. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I just wanted you to know that I honestly understand."

He takes my fingers in his pulling them towards his face as he places a gentle kiss on the top of my hand.

"We can tell them after if you like, my Mom and your Dad?"

"Really? You want to visit the cemetery?"

"Yeah. I think we should while we're here."

"Me too. I'd like that." I offer him a geniune smile.

He honestly would do anything for me to make me happy. I love how thoughtful he is, it's one of the main reasons I think I fell for him all those years ago.

"Let's get this over with." I place a kiss on his cheek before jumping out of his Jeep.

I'm not entirely sure how we are going to do this, I don't have a speech or plan in place. If I'm being honest, I'm totally winging it here. I thought it would be better, less stressful.

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