chapter six

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We are a already a month into the project and the building from the outside is looking great. We are all on site today to get an update from Chase and Julian.

It's been going well so far between us. Not that there is an us. But since our first time getting lunch together, Chase has only spoken to me about work. I mean I did tell him we are just co-workers, so I should be happy with that, right?

With it being Friday we have an early finish today. I'm happy because I can have a night in and work on some of my designs.

I catch Chase staring at me out of the corner of my eye and almost like he didn't want me catching him, he snaps his head in the other direction as if not to make it obvious.

I reach for my phone as we all leave our seperate ways hoping I can grab an Uber and be home soon. I'm more tired than usual this week and I feel like it will only get worse now this project is in full swing.

"Hey Riley, you heading straight home?" Chase catches me up and slightly touches my arm making me stop.

"Yeah, just going to grab an Uber now."

"I can take you home, come on."


Before I can protest, Chase is already crossing the road and swiftly jumping into his pure black Jeep Wrangler.

"Ok then." I mutter under my breath as I follow him and jump into the passenger seat.

The leather interior mixed with Chase's aftershave smells divine and incredibly masculine.

I glance over at him starting the engine. He looks good today. Wearing black jeans, a simple white shirt and a navy bomber jacket. I've always thought he was attractive, but even more so now. He looks mature and powerful.

We soon reach my place and before I know it the words come tumbling from my mouth before I can stop them.

"Do you want to come up?"

I freeze at the thought of Chase being in my home. In my personal space. But it's too late to take it back now.

"Sure. I'd like that." He sends me a smile, showcasing his dimples. That's when you know he's truly happy when they appear. It makes my heart warm at being the reason they are on display right now.

"It's only small but I like it." I warn him as I unlock my front door.

"It's nice. Very you."

"Very me? What does that mean?"

"In a good way I promise." He chuckles.

I hum suspiciously at him as I remove my coat and boots, leaving them at my entrance. Chase copies me and follows me through to the kitchen.

"Are you eating in tonight?" He asks me as I pull two bottles of water from my fridge.

"I'm not sure yet, I think-"

"Nope. Not ok, I will cook up something if you like."

He makes a beeline for my fridge and cupboards, mumbling to himself about how freakishly organized everything is.

I stand back, sipping my water admiring the male presence in my small kitchen.

"Are you finished?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ok, I can make a chicken pasta dish, that sound good?"

I shouldn't be agreeing to this. We shouldn't be doing this, but it's too easy. We get along too well.

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