chapter sixteen

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After Chase's surprise appearance earlier, we made plans to have dinner after work tomorrow at his place. Also, I kind of wanted to see his impressive penthouse again as I didn't get to see much of it last time.

The girls have just arrived and I'm in the kitchen preparing a bite to eat while grabbing a bottle of our favourite white wine to share. I love that after all these years, Evie and Loren are still my best friends and are there for me no matter what. Just like I am for them.

"Here we go."

"Thanks Riles." Evie smiles at me as she takes a glass from the tray I'm carrying.

I let Loren take hers then place the tray between us so we can nibble at the food on there. I take a seat on one end of the sofa, while Loren is on the other side and Evie is on the floor.

Curling my legs underneath myself, I take a sip of wine, welcoming the warmth in my throat as I swallow. Wearing comfy black leggings and Chase's forest green hoodie, I readjust my hair into a claw clip and tuck some loose strands behind my ears.

"Ok, so I'm dying to know how things are going with you two?" Loren excitedly pats my knee, as a shy smile sneaks it's way onto my face.

"Things are good. I mean, it's a little weird to be doing this with him again but yeah, it's good." I shrug as I flick my gaze between my best friends.

"I'm really happy for you Riles."

"And have you spoken about things?" Evie lifts her brows and I know exactly what things she means.

"Yep." I nod my head. "We have spoken about it all. I get it now, why he left."

"And what about the ignoring you for two years part?"

"Evie!" Loren shouts.

Shock covers my face as I stare at Evie. She throws her hands up and shrugs.

"I just want to know if he actually understands how heartbroken you were. I know it was hard for you when you found out he was back, and working with you. So I just want to know if he's serious about you, or after this project is he going to move away and leave you again?"

She has thought about this in such fine detail. I should know the answer to this but honestly, I don't. We haven't made things official yet and who knows what will happen after this project ends.

They both see my hesistation as Evie speaks up.

"Shit, Riles. I'm sorry. I want you two to have a happy ending, I really do. But what about your family? They still don't know that you were together and I just don't know if that's a good note to start on."

"We want you to be happy Riles, but being with Chase again, knowing how Luke warned him off you, is that going to get to him again?" Loren adds.

"I don't know." I shake my head, taking a sip of my wine before continuing. "He apologized, I forgave him. I still have feelings for him and he told me the same. I thought this was our second chance." I explain, going over my thought process from last weekend.

"And we had sex." I blurt out.

Loren's eyes bulge out of her head as Evie nearly chokes on her mouthful of wine.

"You did?!"


"How was it?"

"It was incredible. He is incredible. We are good together, really good."

Loren fans herself as Evie comes to sit on the sofa inbetween us.

"Riles. We are just looking out for you. If you are happy with Chase again, then we are happy too."

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