Secrets and reunions

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Since me and my family aren't on the best terms I decided it's best to stay at the boys apartment for the next few days. I had asked Asher to drop me at my house so I could pack a bag and I would head over in a little bit. I have yet to hear from Warren which was weird considering he didn't respond to my text that I sent him before I had dinner.

I'm not the clingy type but these days Warren has been my rock, and as much as I hate to say it I am needy.

Maybe I depend on him a little too much?
This scares me because I am becoming the one thing I told myself that I would never be. I made a promise to my self that if I ever by chance got a boyfriend that I would remain independent and do what is best for myself. And with every day I'm around him I find that part of me crumbling away.

I thought I built these walls so tall that they could defend me against anything. But that man is slowly climbing his way over and it scares me. Sometimes it's too much vulnerability, but I trust him.

The sun was well gone from the sky and my family would be back soon. I grabbed my bag and made my way down the stairs.
I decided to grab a drink before I leave.

As I was sifting through the Fridge I heard the front door open and two pairs of foot steps echoed through the house. The footsteps stoped and there was a pause and a moment of scilence.

I quietly closed the door and moved a little closer to listen in. If it's my mom I'm going out the back I'm not talking to her.

"When are you going to tell her, she needs to know? I mean it was so hard for me not to let it slip the other day." A voice said, it sounded familiar.

"I know but I'm scared, what if she is upset. She is the only one that doesn't know and I feel bad. Ever since the incident I feel like we were just getting in a good place and I don't want to ruin it." I heard Alex's voice echo through the empty house.

But who is he talking to? So I quietly took a step closer to the door way and peeked around the corner. There stood Alex and Brooks in close proximity of each other.

They looked as if they were having an intense conversation. Alex looked stressed and his eyebrows were drawn together in a firm line. Brooks looked to be concerned about what they were conversing about.

"You won't she is your sister and you should have seen how she reacted at my grandma's birthday. As much as she is closed off sometimes, you are forgetting who she is. She was so supportive when I came out." Brooks put his hand In Alex's in a comforting manner.

I was surprised that this was happening in front of me. After a few minutes of digesting the information, I have always had the thought in the back of my head. I guess when the whole situation happened with Ava I thought he was over Brooks.

But let me tell you, this is a relationship that I thought would always work good. I mean they are both stubborn but their personalities complement each other perfectly.

Then it dawned on me that they are talking about me. He is scared to come out to me.

Why? Is he afraid I would judge him? is he scared I will treat him differently?

In all truthfulness I always thought he was bi, and it never changed the way I thought about him. I mean there had to be a reason why Brooks always stayed in Alex's room even when the guest room was open.
At the end of the day who he loves is not my problem nor my business, as long as he is happy, so am I.

"I know, I'm just scared she is my person, she has been my little me ever since she was little. I just don't want her to see me as any different, I mean I will always be her big brother and I don't want anything to hurt our relationship." He explained with tears in his eyes.

It saddened me to see him so torn on such a personal decision. It also made me feel horrible that he thinks I would think of him any different. I guess all I can do is show him support and hope he realizes I would never do that.

"I know, and I'm not going to push you if you aren't ready, but I think you should tell her soon. She deserves to know who her brother really is. And you deserve to live freely. Brooks soothed and then he pulled Alex into a soft tender kiss. And with that I snuck out the back door, I want to give them their privacy.


"Hey sweetie, what are you doing around here?" My mom asked as she saw me emerge into the kitchen of the small apartment.

It may have been small but It was home. I like to think of it as cozy. I have offered to try to find a better place for my mom and sister but they insisted that I save up my money until I am out of college.

I am currently in school for business, I had originally wanted to go to school for graphic design. It is truly what I want to do but I was hit with the my brutal reality. I have people who I have to support as well as myself, and I won't let my mom and sister struggle.

"I wanted to visit you guys, I haven't been over in a while and I missed you." I said as I pulled her into a quick hug.

My mom was small and frail almost as if she wasn't eating enough. When growing up it didn't take long for me to out grow her, she has always been small but it makes me worry, I'll make sure to stop at the store and grab some groceries.

She was dressed in in her pale yellow and blue waitressing uniform. She looked tired I wouldn't be surprised if she just got off, they tend to over work her.

Growing up my mom basically raised us as a single parent. It was tough especially with my dad coming in out of our lives and mooching off the single income we were trying to live off of. I would always try to find some random jobs to bring in money. It wasn't easy but my mom always made the best of our situation.

I was broken from my thoughts as I heard the sound of shuffling down the hallway, and to my surprise there came my father shuffling down the hallway shirtless and in a pair of jeans.

My blood boiled as he came in and sat down at the kitchen table and demanded for my mom to get him a beer.

She was leaned against the counter while drying her hands with the kitchen rag.

"You have two legs get it yourself" she snapped back. All of the sudden he shot out of his seat and went for my mom, his hand was reaching for her hair, but before he could do anything I caught his hand.

"If you lay a hand on her at all I will beat your ass to death. The only reason why you are here is because of her so you better learn your place fast." I said as I shoved him backward, and he bumped into the wall.

I love my mom but she is too willing to give into empty threats. The only reason why she willing welcomes him back is because he threatens my sister every time.

I have many times proven that I can take care of it but still it happens behind my back.

"Oh shit, look like the big boy actually came to see his family. That's surprising." He soured while taking another swig of his beer.

"Wow still drunk since the last time I saw you, not surprising." I hissed. I have never met someone who could make my blood boils so easily, he know how to get under my skin and it makes me crazy. I hate that he has a connection to this family at all.

All I know is that today is surely going to be a day from hell.

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