| i hate him? |

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you debated turning the car around and driving home.

you debated just crashing the car as an excuse not to go to steve's house.

you debated doing a lot of things to get out of going to king steve's house but you still went.

robin was ranting on about something to you as you drove but you weren't really listening, too busy thinking about how dreadful this is going to be.

"just another left up here, and then the second right." robin told you as you drove.

you followed the directions and were now in what seemed like a posh, snobby, rich, private estate.

robin pointed to the largest house on the street.

"there, that's steve's house. told you it was huge." she said as she pointed.

you pulled up outside, letting robin get out of the car.

here, you debated driving off and leaving robin at steve's house. she'd get over it, right?

robin waited for you outside of the car, crossing her arms as she waited.

"hurry up, y/n! it's freezing out here!" you could see her breath in the air as she spoke.

you took the keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the car.

the cold air immediately hit you, making your hairs stand up on end.

robin grabbed your arm and dragged you behind her.

"it's too cold to stand out here and i'm not going to listen to you start complaining about being here." she said as she marched to steve's front door.

"i didn't even say anything!" you yelled.

"but you were going to! i can read you like a book, y/n." she argued.

robin banged on the door, groaning when the door didn't immediately open.

she repeatedly banged on the door until it finally opened, revealing a very irritated looking steve harrington.

"jesus christ, bang a little harder next time, why don't you?!" he exclaimed, sarcastically.

robin rolled her eyes and pushed past him into the house, still holding you by the wrist.

steve watched you as you were dragged him.

you may remember him but he sure as hell can't remember you.

he closed the door and looked at you, tilting his head as studied you.

"do i know you?" he asked, confused at why robin just dragged a stranger into his home.

you didn't answer.

instead, you glared at him, a glare that could turn someone to stone, a mean scowl on your face.

steve furrowed his brow at your expression, looking at robin for some help.

robin looked over at him.

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