| i hate him |

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steve harrington was an asshole. there was no doubt about it.

he was a total player with stupid hair and somehow always had the same stupid, smug smile plastered on his face.

he was so full of himself and thought just because he had rich parents he could get away with murder.

he constantly put others down and walked around with his head held high, as if he didn't just harass and bully a bunch of freshman in the halls.

tommy, carol, and steve were, to you, the devils right-hand men.

most of the time you believed steve was the devil incarnate.

he would sit in class, his stupid hair blocking the board, leaning back on his chair right against your desk as he shouted across the class.

he thought he was so funny, harassing the unpopular kids, making them think he was friendly before completely embarrassing them in front of everyone.

you hated him. no,

you loathed him.

and you had a good reason for it.

in your senior year, mrs click had assigned a task that was worth almost half your grade. you were so convinced you were going to ace it. all you had to do was choose a person in history and do a very detailed research about them, wasn't that hard, right?

that's what you thought, until she assigned partners.

everyone was partnered up with people they liked, the occasional strangers but nothing drastic.

and then it got to you.

you hoped and prayed you would get someone useful, someone who would actually help you with the project and who would show interest but no such luck.

you were partnered up with steve 'the hair' harrington.

steve had no idea who you were, nor did he care. he knew he wasn't going to do a single thing for this project and you knew it too.

you decided to not let it phase you. you just decided to stick to your research, get the project done and graduate.

that's all.

and just like you thought, steve did not lift a finger.

neither of you communicated with the other about the project once and, if you were being honest, that was fine with you.

your project was done just on time to present it.

you were quite proud of everything you did, even if you were anxious about presenting it to the class.

you had written out cue cards for your presentation and left them on your desk as you looked in your bag for something but when you resurfaced from underneath the desk, your cards were gone.

you frantically looked around for them but they were nowhere to be seen.

steve and tommy were chuckling about something in front of you but you decided not to care, your only focus was finding those cards.

steve harrington | imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang