| delay |

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you checked the flight times one last time, triple checking that your flight was definitely delayed. you sighed and walked over to the seats just outside of the gate, placing your hand luggage in front of you as you pulled a book out of it and began reading it. your flight was delayed for two hours so you decided to read even though you were almost finished your book. ten minutes had passed and the seats were almost fully filled, the only one remaining was beside you. you hoped that nobody would sit next to you but unfortunately, someone did. a boy who looked around your age sat in the seat beside you, his brown hair flopping as he sat down. you moved your bag over a little to give him some more space.

you could see the boy checking his watch every 5 minutes out of the corner of your eye, his leg bouncing up and down nervously as he looked around when he wasn't checking his watch. it wasn't long until you had finished your book. you opened your bag and placed the book inside of it, taking out your walkman and placed a cassette into it, placing the headphones on and pressing play. you left one of the cushioned speakers off of your ear just in case you missed any announcements about your flight. 'hammer to fall' by queen blasted in your headphones. the song choice made the boy beside you look at you slightly. he looked away and hummed the song quietly, tapping his foot as he did so. you looked at him when you heard the humming. you took your headphones completely off, letting them hang around your neck as the song continued to blast.

the boy looked over in your direction and saw you looking at him. "what-?" he asked. "were you humming along to the song i was listening to?" you asked him. his eyes widened slightly. "oh, uh, yeah. i just, uh, i love that song." he shot a friendly smile your way. you smiled back at him. "yeah, it's a good song but good old-fashioned lover boy is better." you said. the boy furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "nuh-uh, no way, hammer to fall is better." he replied. you shook your head. "you're wrong." this made the boy laugh a little. "i'm steve. steve harrington." he said, holding his hand out towards you. you shook his hand. "y/f/n." you replied. you both spoke to each other right up until it was time to board your flight. you were obviously on the same flight so you walked to the gate together and spoke the entire way onto the plane.

you sat on the seat and pushed your bag in front of you after you took out your walkman and extra book that you had packed. somebody sat down beside you and you looked beside you. steve was sitting beside you, smiling at you as you turned to face him. you smiled back as the plane took off. you placed the 'good old-fashion lover boy' cassette into your walkman and held the headphones towards steve. he looked over at you. "why're you giving me those?" he asked as he took the headphones. "i'm proving that good old-fashion lover boy is better than hammer to fall." you told him. he laughed and put the headphones on, placing them so they wouldn't flatten his hair. you pressed play and picked up your book and began reading as you could faintly hear the music play beside you. a few minutes later, steve took of the headphones and you looked over. "it's good but there's better songs." he told you. you raised your eyebrows in mock offence. "excuse you." you exclaimed, dramatically. steve laughed and leaned down to open his bag. he dug around and took out a cassette, opening the walkman, taking out your tape and putting his own in. he handed the headphones back to you. as you placed them on, he pressed play and handed you the walkman. through the flight you were exchanging tapes and talking to each other. the last thing you remember was reading a page of your book before you fell asleep.

you felt a hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you. you blinked awake and looked around. you realised you were resting your head on his shoulder. "glad to have you back." steve joked. you quickly got up. "shit, sorry." you panicked. steve shrugged. "it's fine. come on, we've landed." he said picking up his bag. he waited for you to pick up your bag and walked off of the plane. you walked around the airport together, collecting your suitcases and leaving. you stood outside of the airport as you waited for your parents to collect you. steve walked off to get his car that he left in the car park for the entirety of his vacation. you waited and waited but your parents still weren't there. you walked over to the pay phone and called home. "hello?" you heard your mother say. "where are you? i'm waiting at the airport." you said. there was a pause. "oh shit. y/n, i am so sorry, we didn't think you were getting home until tomorrow because your flight was delayed." she explained. you sighed. "your father has taken the car and left to go out, i'm so sorry." she apologised. "it's fine. i'll find a way home." you were frustrated and hung up the phone before your mother could respond.

you began walking away from the airport when a car slowly began driving beside you. you looked at the car and saw steve poking his head out of the window. "are you walking home?" he asked. you nodded. "parents basically forgot about me." you scoffed. "it's freezing, i can take you home." he said. you stopped walking and looked at him in the car. he stopped completely. you thought about it. you barley knew him and you didn't think you should get into the car with someone you didn't know but it was freezing. "you sure?" you asked him and he nodded. "yeah, it's not a problem." he got out of the car and took your suitcase, placing it into the trunk beside his own. you got into the passenger side of his car as steve got into the drivers side. you told him your address and he began driving.

around five minutes later, steve stopped outside of your house. you got out of the car and so did he. he got your suitcase out of his trunk. you reached over to grab it but he pulled away. "i'll get it." he said, walking to your door. you smiled as he did so. he passed the suitcase to you after he reached the door. he began walking away. you quickly dug around in your bag, grabbing a pen and ripped a piece of paper out of a small notebook in your bag. "wait!" you yelled over at him as you scribbled your number down on the piece of paper. steve turned over to face you. you ran over to him and handed the paper to him. "thanks for the ride home." you smiled at him. he looked down at the paper and smiled when he realised what it was. he looked back up at you, a smile still on his face. "yeah, no problem." he said. "call me when you get home you told him. "don't have to tell me twice." he replied. you laughed a little and walked back to the door, waving at him as he drove off.

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