| prom night |

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the night that everyone at hawkins high looked forward to had finally arrived, prom night!

the plan was to go with your best friend, steve harrington, but that was until you were asked to go by another player on the basketball team.

now, steve was going to drive you to the school and your date was going to meet you there.

you stood in front of your mirror, putting the finishing touches on your make up whilst waiting for steve to collect you.

as you placed your makeup brush down, there was a knock on your bedroom door.

"come in!" you yelled to the person on the other side.

the door was gently pushed open and steve stood there, a clear box in his hand.

"hey, you rea- oh wow." he walked into further room, mouth agape.

"what? is it too much?" you asked, anxiously checking over yourself in the mirror again.

steve shook his head. "no, you look beautiful." he replied. "thanks." you smiled over at him.

you gestured to the clear box in his hands. "what's with the corsage? you actually found a date?" you teased.

steve rolled his eyes. "if you hadn't ditched me last minute to go with your brand new little boyfriend, i would've had a date." you scoffed.

"the corsage was meant for you. i got it before you told me about your date but then i found out who it was and decided to bring it anyways. knowing this guy, he wouldn't have bought one for you." he explained.

he opened the box and took the corsage out. he walked over to you and slipped it onto your wrist. you looked down and admired the gorgeous flower, it went perfectly with your dress.

"now, are you ready to go?" he asked. you nodded and lifted up your dress as you walked out of the room.

"oh! y/n! y/n! wait, sweetheart!" your mum yelled as she ran through the hall with a camera in her hands.

"no, mom, come on. i'm gonna be late." you sighed. she tutted. "oh, just one photo! it won't even take a minute." she pleaded.

"okay, fine. one photo." you clarified. steve squeezed passed you on the stairs so he wouldn't photobomb your photo and stood beside your mum.

"okay," she said, holding the camera to her eye as she closed the other one. "smile, baby!" she exclaimed.

you complied and a subtle click was heard.

"okay, i gotta go, mom." you told her as you tried to leave.

"just wait a second, sweetie!" she ushered you to go back to your place. you reluctantly walked back.

your mum placed her hand on steve's back and pushed him towards you. "come on, steve, you have to get one with her!" she smiled.

steve stood beside you, his hands tucked in the pockets of his suit jacket. your mother was not pleased by this.

"she doesn't bite steve. you've been friends for years! put an arm around her or something." she instructed.

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