| halloween |

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steve loved halloween. it was as simple as that. he loved the pumpkins, the decorations, watching scary movies, everything. he usually has to buy candy for dustin and the rest of the party because dustin loves to go to steve's house and just grab all the candy he bought, even if steve bought it for himself. he knew he was dressing up for halloween this year but he just didn't know who or what to be. that was until you made him watch 'grease' with you two weeks before halloween. as soon as he saw olivia newton-john in the iconic all black outfit, he knew you and him had to go as danny and sandy.

it was the week before halloween and you were sitting in steve's house because his parents were away. "listen, it's a good costume idea. sandy was hot in that outfit but you'll look even hotter." he smirked at you. you rolled your eyes and laughed. "and you're going to dress up like danny zuko? really?" you asked. "uh, yeah. obviously. it's a cool couples costume. please?" he asked, pouting and looking at you with big eyes. you laughed. "fine, fine. i'll do it." you told him. he smiled and peppered your face with kisses. "you're gonna look so hot in that outfit, y/n." you smiled. "but, we're not actually going to be trick-or-treating, are we?" he looked at you. "no, i think we're a little too old for that. we need to take dustin around all the houses so why not dress up too?" he explained.

fast forward a week and it's halloween night! you were sitting in the passenger seat in steve's car, waiting outside of dustin's house. steve's hand rested on your thigh as he continuously looked you up and down. "what?" you asked him, snapping him out of trance. "nothing. you just look really good in the outfit." he leaned towards you and kissed you. the moment was cut short by dustin, opening the back car door and throwing in his fully functional ghost trap in the backseat before climbing in himself. he scrunched up his nose when he saw you two kissing. "if you're going to be making out all night, don't bother taking me." he told you both, slamming the car door shut. "hey, watch it, dickhead. this car was expensive." steve warned him. "ooh, i'm so scared of a nineteen year old dressed up as danny from grease." dustin rolled his eyes. steve started driving. "you look like an exterminator, dude." steve replied. dustin crossed his arms and looked out of the window.

steve eventually reached the rest of the party and got out of the car, walking over to the passenger side and helping you out. you smiled at him. "thank you." you said before taking his arm. you both walked back over to dustins side of the car. he struggled to get out of the car due to the huge accessory on his back. "don't worry. i don't need help or anything." he groaned. he eventually got out and walked over to will, lucas and mike. mike and lucas were arguing about how they were both Venkman. will looked over at dustin approaching. "stantz!" he exclaimed. dustin laughed "egon!" he said, running over to him. you smiled at the sight of will and dustin hugging as they ignored lucas and mike. "ready to go boys?" you asked. will looked at you, squinting his eyes as he tried to guess your costume. "grease?" he asked hesitantly. you nodded. "well done, egon." he smiled proudly when you said that. lucas walked away from mike and stood beside dustin as they began walking towards the houses.

a few hours and about a thousand houses later, the boys bags were almost bursting at how much candy they got. "urgh, half of my candy is three musketeers." lucas complained. "what's wrong with three musketeers?" dustin asked, his mouth full of chocolate. "does anyone even like three musketeers?" lucas said. dustin looked at him as if he was crazy. he swallows his chocolate before shooting his hand up. "you like it?" "you don't?!" steve put a hand on dustins shoulder and turned him in the direction of his car. "come on, i promised your mom i'd get you back by ten, get in the car." steve said. "also, here, henderson." steve then grabbed a handful of candy out of his jacket pocket and threw it in dustins bag. dustin smiled at him before looking in his bag. steve ruffled dustins hair and walked to his car, twirling his keys in his hand as he walked. you made sure everyone got to their parents safely. lucas walked to his mum and sister, who was calling him a nerd as he walked closer. mike was cycling home. you watched as will walked over to jonathan, excitedly showing him all the candy he got. you smiled over at them before waving at jonathan and walking to steve's car.

steve drove dustin home before taking you back to his place. as soon as you stepped foot into the house, you felt steve snake his arms around your waist and kissed your neck. you smiled. "what're you doing, steve?" you asked him. "i told you, you look hot in this costume." he muttered against your neck. he kissed down to your shoulder then all the way up to your cheek. you turned to face him, your cheeks were horrendously warm now. "i'm gonna change them we can watch movies, okay?" you said as you began to walk away. his eyes widened. "what? no. don't change." he pulled you back towards his chest. he led you towards the couch before putting a vhs into the tape player. you heard the starting song and instantly knew what you were watching. "grease, seriously?" you asked, looking at steve. "hey, this new obsession is your fault, you made me watch it." he told you. he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. all throughout the movie he commented on how his hair looked better than danny's and how you looked way hotter than sandy.

it was coming to the end of the movie and you were ready to get changed and go to bed. steve had stood up and walked away, which made you confused. you knew he loved 'you're the one that i want' so why did he just walk away? he came back right as the song started. you looked over at him and noticed he had his farrah fawcett hairspray in his hand. "what're you doing?" you asked him. he simply looked at you and smirked. he held the spray like a microphone and you looked at him weirdly. he cleared his throat. "i got chills, they're multiplying and I'm losing control 'cause the power you're supplying it's electrifying!" he sang. you burst out into laughter. "what the hell are you doing?" you said between your laughs. he dragged you up off the couch. "no, there is no way i'm singing, steve." he looked at you, hurt. "a danny needs his sandy, y/n." you rolled your eyes playfully before grabbing the spray out of his hand. "you better shape up 'cause I need a man and my heart is set on you." you sang along with him and his face lit up.  "you better shape up you better understand, to my heart I must be true." "nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do." you both smiled at each other before practically screaming out the chorus. "you're the one that I want. you are the one I want, ooh, ooh, ooh, honey. the one that I want.  you are the one I want,  ooh, ooh, ooh, honey. the one that. I want you are the one I want ooh, ooh, ooh. the one I need, oh, yes indeed."

you burst out into laughter as did steve and fell onto the couch. you wiped your tears away from your eyes as you caught your breath. "if i'm being honest, i did not think we were going to be singing 'you're the one that i want' on halloween." you said. steve chuckled. "yeah, me neither." he stood up again and dragged you up with him. "what're you doing now?" you asked. "you do realise the song is not over, y/n." he said, placing the farrah fawcet spray back into your hand. you shook your head but sang the rest of the song anyway. when it was over, you sat on the couch once again and steve looked at you. "so not only do you look better than sandy but you sound better than her too." steve smiled at you. you scoffed. "okay, i doubt i sing better than olivia newton-john." you told him. he shrugged one shoulder. "well, to me you did." he said before kissing the top of your head

1491 words

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