Chapter 4: Girl Talk

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It's now recess where the kids are out playing and some of them are just doing nothing. The Girls (Wendy, Bebe, Nelly and Red) are seen talking to each other next to a wall.

Nelly: "You know girls, after this whole gender war happened ago, I feel like that boys have gotten even worse now."

Red: "I think so too. They became even shittier back then, and they aren't becoming any better than they are now either."

Wendy: "Well...there is one boy that isn't."

Nelly turns over to Wendy as she is curious as to what boy isn't as bad as the rest of them.

Nelly: "Huh? Who are you referring to, Wendy?"

Wendy: "You girls heard that The New Kid returned back here?"

Red: "The New Kid? You mean the silent, farting, popular kid? I think I remember him ever since I gave him some of our gear when he recruited us by his side once, and that we took a selfie together."

Wendy: "Yeah, I mean that New Kid. I think that The New Kid is a pretty good boy so far. He helps out his friends, has good behavior and is a fun kid to be with overall."

Bebe: "He even tries out my outfits sometimes whenever he wants to look good. But personally; he still looks good regardless."

Wendy: (Sweat drops) "Yeah, but when we first met him you called him 'hot' in like 4 minutes or so."

Bebe: "That's because I'm speaking the truth, and you can't say that he isn't either, Wendy."

Red: "To be Honest; I thought I was the only one to think that he's kinda hot too. What about you Nelly?"

Nelly: "Well, I've seen him fight sometimes and I think it's kinda bad-ass to see him fight. So yeah, maybe I think he's hot too."

Then the girls turned to Wendy to see what her response was.

Wendy: "I...uh...I think so too. But I think he's more than that, he's WAY more than just hot."

"He's really sweet, a great listener and can be reliable to you whenever you need his help. He's way different than those other boy's here."

The Girls then finally finished saying how they feel about The New Kid so far, and then Bebe decides to say something that may be out of the blue.

Bebe: "Do any of you think The New Kid's single?"

Wendy/Red/Nelly: "Bebe!"

Bebe: "What? I was just curious. I mean he seems like a perfect boy to date if I'm going to be honest here."

Wendy: "Do you plan on being his girlfriend or something, Bebe?"

Bebe: "Maybe. Why are you asking that, Wendy?"

Wendy: "I-I was just asking a question. I mean The New Kid can be with anyone he wants."

Bebe: "What do you...ohh~."

Wendy: "What? What's with that look on your face, Bebe?"

Bebe: "Is The New Kid perhaps your new potential boyfriend, Wendy?"

Wendy started to blush red from Bebe's question.

Wendy: "What?! I uh- why do you want to know that? I don't even know if he'll like me back or if he's already taken."

"Besides, you said that you might consider dating him one day and I just don't want to take him from you."

Bebe: "Relax Wendy, I'm just teasing. But I think it'll also be cute to see you and The New Kid together. But it's too bad that only one of us can love him though."

Red: "Yeah, but it is what it is I guess. I mean I do wish one of you girls will have a good time with him."

Nelly: "And he better treat you girls well too, or else I'll kick his ass."

Wendy: "You don't need to be hostile Nelly, it's fine. We'll talk about this later. Tomorrow I gotta get ready to go see a movie with The New Kid."

Bebe: "Huh? I thought you were gonna see it with Stan?"

Nelly: "Yeah, what's up with that?"

Wendy: "Well the thing is that Stan and I haven't been with each other much and I think that he might not have the time with me anymore."

"And now that The New Kid is back I thought that I should ask him since he's one of the boy's that I consider best friends with."

The bell rings meaning that recess is now over.

Wendy: "Well, I'll talk to you girls later. Bye!"

Bebe: "Bye Wendy."

Red: "See you soon."

Nelly: "Yeah, see you later."

Wendy and the other kids go back into school, then she sees that The New Kid is nearby.

Wendy went over and walked with him and smiled, unbeknownst to them that Stan sees this and feels a bit envious.

End of Chapter 4.

South Park Girls x New Kid (Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now