Chapter 3: New Kid back in town

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Today it's Wednesday in the afternoon, and the New Kid (AKA) (Y/N), was seen sitting on a nearby bench.

You were wondering on what do you want to do on your journey here on this mountain town now. Maybe skateboarding, combat training or finally get some bit- ah I mean females?

Well, maybe one because you also thought that you can only date one; not to mention that you don't really talk to girls that much. (Considering the fact that you don't speak that much.)

But still, you were still thinking of what your new goal should be now.

???: "Hey there, new kid!"

You turned your head to where you heard that voice was from. And it was Butters. He waved at you with a reassuring smile.

Butters: "Well jeez, I haven't seen you for about a few weeks or so. Where have you been buddy?"

(Y/N): "..."

Butters: "Did you make more friends?"

(Y/N) shook his head.

Butters: "oh, what about what have you been doing for the past time?"

(Y/N): "..."

Butters: "Maybe you're...feeling a bit lonely?"

You were gonna shake your head until you stopped and realized it was right. You slowly nodded meaning that you're feeling somewhat lonely.

Butters: "Oh! So that's how you feel? Well gosh I'm sorry buddy. Come here."

Butters reached over and gave you a hug with a smile. You felt surprised at first but then you smiled and hugged back. They stopped hugging now.

Butters: "Don't feel too bad, New Kid. I'm sure you'll find someone that will treat you nice."

"And actually give you real love too. I kinda already had that experience before, it turned out that they weren't really my girlfriend after all."

(Y/N): 'Ooh man...'

Butters: "But that was in the past so I'm not worrying about it anymore! I do hope you do feel a bit better new kid. Bye!"

Butters then went along with his day as (Y/N) watch him leave from his sight.

(Y/N): 'I'm glad I'm friends with him.'

You then get up off the bench and start to walk.

(Later after 10 minutes)

You kept walking after you heard some people talking closely. And it was Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny with Stan hanging his head down, Kyle glaring at Cartman while he's just next to Stan crossing his arms and Kenny just standing there watching this scene.

Cartman: "I told you that the skank wouldn't accept your date Stan."

Stan: "Don't call Wendy a skank, and I wasn't asking her out you ass-wipe!"

Cartman: "I'm just saying that your relationship with her was like a light switch; it kept turning off and on over and over."

Kyle: "Dude, just shut up and leave Stan alone already, fat-ass!"

Cartman: "Hey! I'm not fat you fucking jew! And I'm only saying the truth here and you should know that!"

The New Kid (Y/N) shows up to the four boys.

Kyle: "Oh, hey New Kid."

Cartman: "So, it looks like Butthole is finally back, I see."

Kenny: "Mhmph hmh mmph?" (Where were you?)

Kyle: "Yeah, you were gone for a long time, dude."

(Y/N) starts to write on some paper to communicate to the boys.

"I wasn't feeling the best I guess." - (Y/N)

Kyle: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that man. But at least you're back now."

You then notice Stan and how he's feeling at the moment. He's feeling depressed but you don't know why yet.

"What's wrong with Stan?" - (Y/N)

Kyle: "He's bummed out because Wendy didn't accept his offer to go to the movies with him."

"And why is that?" -(Y/N)

Kyle: "I don't know much about it, but he didn't really talk to her much for, maybe weeks ago."

(Y/N): "....."

Stan: "And she asked someone else instead. But I don't know who else she would ask out yet."

(Y/N) sweat-dropped remembering how Wendy asked him to go to the movies with her. But tries to play it cool and shrug it off.

"Well, let's just hope they treat her well, I'm sure she'll be fine." -(Y/N)

Stan: "Yeah, hopefully."

"I got to go for now, bye guys." -(Y/N)

Stan: "Alright then, bye New Kid."

Kyle: "Yeah, see you later man!

Cartman: "See you next time Butthole."

Kenny: "Gmhbhyh!" (Goodbye!)

(Y/N) left them and had a worried face later.

(Y/N): 'I hope Stan will understand that I'll treat her well...'

End of Chapter 3.

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