Chapter 16: You Just Gotta Believe

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Chapter 16: You Just Gotta Believe

{The Doctor}

"River was on that team."

Her words seemed to echo around the TARDIS, leaving me silent and stunned.
She couldn't mean River, not my River. How could River do that? I mean she always seemed to have a bit of a violent personality if that makes any sense, but torturing Timelords?

"I knew you wouldn't believe me."
Luna whispered, quietly putting her head in her hands.

It's not that I didn't believe her, I just find it very hard to picture. I mean, River Song?
I sighed and lifted up her head so we were eye to eye.

"I believe you."

I couldn't let her down, and I honestly didn't think she was lying. This was going to be a tough one.

"I believe you, but I'm just shocked I guess."

She smiled sadly, taking off her brown rectangular glasses and placing them neatly on the floor.

"Well, uh, we should go out now, you know, face whatever's coming."

I jumped up and pulled her with me, grabbing on to the TARDIS door handle.


She smirked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

I slowly opened the door, grabbing her small hand in mine.


She let out a light laugh as we began to step out.

She whispered.

As soon as we exited the TARDIS, River rushed over to me and took my other hand.

"I hope you know that whatever she told you is a lie."
She exclaimed coldly, glaring at Luna.

Luna stared back with an equally cold stare, except she seemed like she had murder in mind. I pushed her back a little not wanting any violence, and pretended to act innocent.

"Well you're implying that she had something bad to tell."

River visibly paled, yanking her hand out of mine almost instantly. She backed up into a cell, wringing her hands.

"N-n-no. There's nothing bad to tell. Nothing at all!"
River stuttered.

Luna looked up at me and squeezed my hand.

"I think it's time we leave."

Amy stood awkwardly in the back, moving her way towards us.

"I don't know what's going on but I don't like it. Can we go now Doctor?"

I grabbed her with my now free hand, backing up to Luna's TARDIS.

Luna spoke quietly and precisely like she had been holding back these words for years, and maybe she had.

"Goodbye River, hopefully this is the last time we meet. Oh, and by the way you forgot the keys."

She jangled the keys to the cell above her head and pulled the door shut in one fluid motion.

"Bye bye now."

I led her to her TARDIS and adjusted my bow tie for what seemed to be the millionth time.

"Well I think you earned some sassy points for that."

She groaned.

"Please no, not you too! You're like one of those dads trying to be cool."

I put a hand on my chest, pretending to
be offended.

"I am cool! You know nothing about the cool."

She raised one eyebrow and shared a look with Amy.

"What?" I asked.

"Bow ties are not cool!"

They both yelled as they stepped into the TARDIS.

"One day I will get you both to wear a bow tie!"

I closed the door behind me as they rolled their eyes. I honestly did not understand how girls could do that so often.

"Yeah, suuuure. Let's go find your TARDIS before it gets stolen."

I smiled and sat on the console.

"Fine but you can drive, I'm pretty worn out."

She grinned like a madman, lunging on the console while screeching loudly.

"Allons-y! Again!"

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