Chapter 15: A Series Of Unfortunate Events

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Chapter 15: A Series Of Unfortunate Events

It was her, I was sure of it. The same voice, same mind, different body. I just hope she hasn't seen me yet. If I could just get out of here it would make everything much easier.
  She unlocked The Doctor's cell and pulled it open, leaning against a concrete pillar. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, standing up and exiting his cell.

"Uh, thanks River!"

Oh, so that's what she's going by now. River. What a nice name for such a sadistic person.

"Could you unlock my friends too?"

She smirked, heading over to Amy's cell first.

"Of course. How many friends do you take traveling with you anyways? Doesn't the TARDIS get a bit full?"

He blushed a bit, his face a pinkish- yellow color from the weak lamp light.

"Well you know, it's always nice to have company."

Amy smiled and hugged her when she was out.

"Thanks River!"

River hugged her back and started to move towards my cell. Well, here goes nothing.

"Now who's this?"

I stood up, fists clenched at my sides and face obscured by the darkness of the cell.

"Is this a child? When did you start traveling with children?"

Oh heck no.

"Uh, she's not exactly..."

The door slid open and I walked out as calmly as I could, flipping my bangs across my forehead. With a tight smile, I crossed my arms against my chest and leaned slightly back.

"Hello River. Long time no see, eh?"

Her eyes widened in surprise, almost making her drop the keys.

"You, it's you! How did you esc-"

The Doctor interrupted; confused as he should be.

"Do you two know each other?"

I smirked and rolled my eyes.


She smiled, almost grinding her teeth from trying not to snap at me.

The Doctor looked between the two of us, adjusting his bow tie nervously.

"Well I'm understanding that you two don't necessarily like each other, so I have an idea. Luna, call your TARDIS we've got to talk."

Sighing, I snapped my fingers and waited for my TARDIS to appear. It slowly came into focus silently behind River.
I really did not want to talk about this, I hated anything to do with my past in particular. It was horrible, depressing, and saddening in every way. I can't drop that on someone who's probably seen even more than I have, not ever.
He dragged me behind River and into my TARDIS, quietly shutting the door behind him. I slumped against the door, sitting on the grated floor and patted the ground next to me. He did the same, playing with his hands.

"So I'm guessing something bad happened. Am I correct?"

I hung my head and nodded, making sure my bangs were hiding my face.

"Hey. Come on, you can talk to me about it."

I shook my head again, laying my head on my knees.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

He wouldn't. I knew he wouldn't. He'd just tell me I'm lying and leave like everyone else did.

He chuckled, lifting my chin up so I was forced to look him in the eyes.

"That's not true! I might have not known you for long, but I trust you to tell me the truth."

Maybe I should just tell him, get it over with. It might be better to just get it off my chest.

"Alright fine," I grumbled.

"Well, in advance I'm sorry you had to hear any of this so uh, here goes."

My breathing hitched, anxiety kicking in. He pulled me closer to him, hugging me.

"Hey it's okay, start whenever you're ready."

I took a deep breath, and began to tell him the beginning of my story.

"Well you know how I did that thing, with the light the other day?"

He nodded.

"Well, a long time ago, some people wanted to harness that power. I guess it had never happened before, and they wanted to study it. So they asked me if I would be a part of their study and I refused, naturally."

He hugged me closer, sensing where this was going.

"Well when I refused they took me by force. They locked me up. No food for days, tests every hour of the night, you name it... They somehow found a way to control me from using this power to escape and-"

I inhaled deeply. Just keep going. With my whole body shaking I managed to get the next words out.

"A team of scientists or whatever you want to call them tortured me when I wouldn't cooperate."

As if he knew what I was about to say he gasped.

"No. No no. That can't be..."

I shut my eyes tightly, my voice finally wavering.

"River was on that team."

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