Chapter Nineteen

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Yoongi felt a little apprehensive when he stepped into the kitchen.

Jin had been snappy and irritable all morning, so he left the house quickly and decided not to have breakfast, which meant the younger boy had to tackle the task himself.

The blonde boy wasn't afraid of the Kims so much anymore and didn't mind sitting with them, but he didn't like doing it alone.

Having their full attention on him was overwhelming, so having Jin by his side effectively distracted the adults. But the older boy had already disappeared out of the door.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Mrs Kim beamed, instantly spotting the edgy boy in the doorway, his head down and eyes as low as ever.

The woman swore she had seen the crown of Yoongi's head more in the last few weeks than his face, but at least he was getting better at moving about the house and wasn't still hiding in the bedroom because he was too nervous about coming out. "I've made your coffee already, and breakfast is almost done."

"Thank you." The blonde replied quietly, his eyes tracking her fingers as she pointed towards the mug on the side.

Yoongi then flicked his attention to Mr Kim, who smiled when their eyes met.

He looked different today, more casual, which was strange because usually the man was prepared for work. But today, his usual business suit and tie were replaced with a polo shirt and jeans.

The man must have noticed how the teenager looked him up and down and made a comment, letting the boy know he had the day off work.

Yoongi nodded in silent understanding before grabbing his coffee and sitting at the table, focusing on the almost black liquid swirling in his mug instead of looking around at the adults.

"Here you are," Mrs Kim said sweetly, placing a plate in front of her husband and the teenager. She sat in an empty seat beside the boy with her food and began eating, watching as he picked at the plate.

Yoongi was usually good with his food. He'd spent half his life desperate to eat, so he hadn't refused many opportunities, but this morning, he seemed reluctant.

When the adults had finished, the teenager was still mindlessly swirling his food, letting his coffee grow cold as he unintentionally ignored the conversation at the table.

His mind was on other things like Jin's awful mood and their restless night, how much he couldn't wait to see Jimin again, and admittedly, the other boys too. He wouldn't tell anyone, but secretly, Yoongi kind of liked the strange group he fell in with.

They were quirky and strange, rejected by the rest of the student body, but fiercely loyal and protective of each other, which made him feel less uneasy.

But there was one thing the platinum-haired boy was dreading, and that was going back to school.

He hated every moment.

"Yoongi, aren't you hungry?" Mrs Kim said softly, suddenly catching his attention.

She watched as he opened his mouth to say something but stopped, forcing his tongue into his cheek, so the words didn't escape. He wanted to say something again, the Kim's gentle, nurturing personalities were drawing out his insecurities, but Yoongi clammed up.

Why did he think that he had the right to say anything? To complain when he was being given a home, food and shelter?

Mr Kim noticed, too, watching the teenager as he spooned in a mouthful of food and slowly began chewing, practically forcing himself to swallow it.

The man frowned in confusion as the pale boy reached out again, but this time was blocked by a large hand connected to a concerned-looking adult.

"It's okay; you don't have to eat it. You'll make yourself ill." He stated, pushing the plate away.

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