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Stanley is called to the Warden's have lunch with her?


As Stanley walked towards the Warden's office, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

On one hand, he was nervous about having a one-on-one meeting with the Warden.

On the other hand, he was also excited to see what she wanted to talk about.

As he knocked on the door, he heard a voice from inside telling him to come in.

When he opened the door, he was surprised to see the Warden had set up a small table with two chairs and food in the middle.

"Come in, Stanley," The Warden said with a smile. "I figured we could have a little chat over some lunch."

Stanley was taken aback by the Warden's kindness, but he eagerly sat down at the table and looked at the food in front of him.

There was a plate of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy, along with a glass of lemonade.

"This looks great, thank you, Warden," Stanley said, feeling a little awkward.

"You're welcome," Louise replied, sitting down across from him. "And you can call me, Louise. That's what all my friends call me."

Stanley nods his head.

"I wanted to get to know you a little better, Stanley. You've been here at Camp Green Lake for a while now and I've noticed that you've been working hard and making progress with your hole digging."

As Louise picked up a spoon full of mashed potatoes, she smiled and said, "So, tell me about your life before Camp Green Lake."

"Well, I was sent here for stealing shoes," Stanley said. "But I didn't."

"You didn't steal them?"

"No," Stanley said pouring, gravy on his mashed potatoes. "I didn't steal them, but nobody believed me."

And so as they ate together, Stanley opened up to Louise about his life before coming to camp. He told her about his family and how they are cursed.

Louise listened intently and asked him questions, showing genuine interest in his life.

"I'm glad to see that you're making the most of your time here, Stanley," Louise said when they finished eating. She stood up and walked over to him. "You have a lot of potential, and I believe that you can turn your life around if you keep working hard."

Stanley was touched by the Warden's words and felt a sense of hope and determination wash over him.

"Keep digging and your efforts will pay off," Louise said, holding out her hand for him.

Stanley takes it and is pulled up.

What followed was something Stanley had not been expecting.

Louise opened up her arms and hugged him. It was a warm, tight hug. A type of hug Stanley had only gotten from his mother.

It was nice.

When Louise pulled away, she smiled at him, and said, "Take care, Stanley. I hope to see you again soon with news about your progress."

As he left the office, Stanley felt both happy and conflicted.

He couldn't believe that the strict and intimidating Warden had shown him such kindness and understanding.

But there was a part of him that felt like the Warden's niceness had been fake. He wondered if the Warden had only been so nice because she had a secret goal in her mind.

Still, the lunch and talk were nice.

And maybe if he kept digging holes and making progress, Stanley knew that he could perhaps see the kind Warden again.

The one who wanted to be called Louise because that's what her friends call her.

Stanley smiled at the thought of being friends with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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