Texan Heat pt3

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Dragging the two of them through the streets of the city, they find themselves at a small restaurant. The building seems old, blue paint peeling off, the old sign he can't read starting to fade. Ricky looks at him for a fraction of a second before letting go of his hand, and pulling open a whining old door.

The inside is fairing much better than the outside. Clearly old, but renovated within the past 10 years, Hector thinks. An old woman looks at them from her counter, frowning.

"No homeless. You don't get no handouts from me." She says, sneering at the both of them. Hector sighs quietly, he'd expected it from the shopkeeper from earlier, but not here.

"Not homeless, taking our money elsewhere though." Ricky tells her, frowning, neck and cheeks red, from what Hector can only  assume is anger, or embarrassment. He's grabbed by the hand once more, and led out of the restaurant.

They go just across the street, and enter an even older building. The middle aged woman greets them with a warm smile, which falters for a few seconds when she glances at Hector.

"Sit anywhere you'd like sweeties." Her smile is back, as she tells them this. They sit quickly, at a booth near the front register. Hector sets his bag on the inner side of the booth. A quickly glance around, there's only one other person in here, an old woman, sitting in the very back, near what Hector assumes is the restroom, and kitchen areas.

The menus are already at the tables, along with salt, pepper, and sugar. They both grab a menu, Hector doesn't know why he does. For appearances he guesses, but he can't even read anything on it. Ricky is looking at his like it's got a code, and if doesn't figure it out he'll be killed. Hector almost laughs, it can't be that serious, it's probably all basic diner food anyway.

"Can I get you two anything to drink?" The woman asks them, notepad in hand now.

"Can I get a uh, Pepsi?" Ricky asks, and Hector is grateful, because they have Pepsi products and he doesn't have to guess like a fool. She nods, writing it down, and looks to him expectantly.

"Uh, a uh, Root Beer?" He asks, she nods, before walking off, towards the back. She stops to check on the one other person in the building before disappearing in the back completely.

"Sorry about that lady earlier, I... I didn't think she'd say that..." Ricky looks at him now, menu abandoned on the table. "I've been going there for years." He looks down, eyes scanning the menu once more.

"Do you know what you're getting?" Hector smiles, it's tight. He knows Ricky doesn't mean harm by his question, but he feels stupid nonetheless. He nods, pointing at something random, and hoping it's an actual meal, and isn't expensive.

"Nice, the roast is pretty good here, if I do say so myself." Ricky tells him. Hector thanks God, that it's not something gross, or complicated.

"Ready to order?" Their waitress asks, setting their drinks down onto the table. Hector hadn't even seen her approach, despite sitting where he should see her approach. Ricky nods.

Can I get my usual?" The woman nods, and looks to him now, pen ready to scrawl what he says.

"Could I get the roast?" Hector asks, and she stands, clearly thinking before shaking her head no.

"Sorry honey, no roast today. Eddy didn't wanna make it." Hector doesn't know what to get. He looks down at the menu, pretending to look it over again. "The special today is 'Beef Tips' served over noodles with gravy." She tells him, clearly seeing him struggle.

"I'll have that, thanks." He tells her. She smiles, teeth yellowed, probably from too much coffee, and walks away.

Hector takes a sip of his drink. Before moving it away slightly.

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