couch cuddles with zanley

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By: murkshade0 on Ao3


ummary: stanley and zero watch jaws

i cant stop writing holes fics help
also i dont check grammar so


"what do you wanna watch?" stanley asked, fiddling with the remote in his hand. hector shifted getting comfortable on the others chest, " i don't know."

the older one shrugged, "let's watch..." he paused in thought "jaws." he set the remote on the table and threw a blanket over the two of them. "that's a random movie." hectors lips curled upwards.

they both relished in the calming atmosphere of stanleys living room. the curtins danced from the gentle breeze, the sun beams moved slowly across the furniture.

everything was perfect.

zero sighed contently, happy with her current situation. he was never hungry, always clean, always warm, went to school, he has "friends", and best of all, he had a protective, cuddley boyfriend.

for the first time in his life, he was truly content.

when he awoke, there was sounds of laughter and talking.

"stanley..?" he whispered, rubbing his eyes with his fist. the room went silent, "how'd you sleep peaches?"

"good." he finally opened his eyes and glanced around the room.

the boys from tent d were scattered about on the various pieces of furniture, watching the couple with curious eyes.

hector instinctively glanced back to his boyfriend for guidance, worry and fear evident on his face.

"oh, they came in while you were asleep," he started, gesturing to the boys, "they don't care."

"yeah we don't care." squid piped up from his seat on the armchair. " we suspected something anyway " x-ray said, a smug smirk on his face.

stanley rolled his eyes and smiled as the rest of the boys hollered and laughed.

just like old times at camp, stanley thought.

"a'ight put the movie back on." x-ray chuckled as stanley hit play.

eventually hector was able to settle down. the older boy noticed his boyfriends droopy eyes, "go back to sleep peaches, it's okay im here."

"okay." he mumbled getting comfortable as stanley rubbed wide circles into his back.

they were meant with an oncore of 'awww' s "shut up guys." stanley said, rolling his eyes with a light pink flush on his face.

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