Texan Heat pt2

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He wakes up early, the sun just starting to rise. He wonders what time it is dimly. He stretches his cramped muscles, taut from laying on the hard ground. He looks at the jacket. It's large. Much too large for his small frame. The black fabric is dulled to a muted grey from wear. Hector feels bad about not giving the jacket back.

He wonders what he should do with it. A toss up between wearing it, or leaving it where he's at currently for the man to get it later. He looks down at his hands, scratching at the dry calloused skin. His hands are hard, rough. Unlike the jacket he's wearing, it's soft.

He takes the jacket with him. He walks at a slow pace, almost leisurely. He weaves through the sidewalks, riddled with people, to the homeless shelter.even if he doesn't want to, he has to get some supplies. He enters the old building. He thinks he remembers it being historical landmark. The woman at the desk looks to him and smiles

Hi Zero." Her voice is rough sounding, unlike what she looks like. She's smaller than him, at only 4"9. "Haven't seen you in a while." She tells him, He knows this already. People are milling around the lobby.

"Jenn," He gives her a nod and walks to another door. She knows he isn't one for conversation.

He opens the door, and is greeted by a large man leaving, bumping into him. There was no apology. He hears the man say something rude, but does nothing. He doesn't want to be kicked out of this shelter.

He enters the large room, The employees are obvious, wearing grey shirts with something written on them. Hector was too embarrassed to ask what they said. He approaches a woman that had helped him out before, he can't remember her name.

He taps her on the shoulder and she turns to him. Her facial features shift slightly. She's genuinely happy to see him, he realizes.

Zero! how've you been sugar?" She asks him, a large smile on her face. He doesn't understand how she can be so happy in all this misery. He smiles back despite his thought. She grabs his arm swiftly, knowing why he's here. Leading him through the people, and the clutter, she takes him to the back room where all the important supplies are. She starts rummaging through the items.

"D'your stuff get taken?" She asks him, turning towards him. He's uncomfortable with the question, not wanting to answer, and show weakness. He nods stiffly. She shakes her head, smile faltering.

"You're just a kid..." Her voice quiets at the end, the southern twang she has enema-ting clearly. She hands him a backpack, empty. Last time he was here it was full.

Well... go ahead and get what you need." She smiles again, crossing her arms. She moves to the door and leans against it. "Not 'possed to let you pick it out, but i know you'll only take what you need." She's very trusting. He does just that, he takes what he thinks will keep him warmest in the upcoming winter months.

He's got a few pairs of pants, socks, shirts, and a jacket that has seen better days. He can return the one from Ricky now and have something for himself. He's also got hygiene items, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste. That's all they really had available.

He turns towards her, ready to leave. She looks at him sadly. She always does that though.

"You know you can always stay here, right?" She tells him. She told him that last time . He knows that.

People need the space more than me." He tells her, voice quiet. He told her that last time too. She shakes her at him again, and lets out an exasperated sigh.

She opens the door and he follows her out. The bag is a welcome weight on his shoulders, having missed the feeling last night.

He waves a goodbye to her, and she waves back, turning to someone who called her.

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