in Between pt5

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Hector awoke to a camera shutter.

“You two are so cute,” Twitch said from the doorway. Magnet was the one with the camera. It began to process the photo into a polaroid.

Hector had been asleep on top of Stanley in a beanbag. Thankfully, the larger boy is a rather heavy sleeper. Hector was able to slowly climb off to join his friends.

To other people, being caught sleeping on top of your crush would be terrifying. Hector didn’t really think it was that big of a deal. He ushered the other boys out of the room so as to not disturb the sleeping Stanley.

“Did you tell him?” Twitch urged.

Hector was barely awake enough to realize why they were in Stanley’s house. When he processed the question, he looked down in defeat.

“Aw, no worries, man,” Magnet consoled him as he took out the photo and started waving it around. “You’ve got all the time in the world.”

“Well…” Twitch said. He winced at Magnet.

“What?” Hector looked between them.

Magnet looked down at the developing photograph.

Twitch continued, “You want to be his boyfriend, right?” Hector nodded. “And that’s not bad. But, there are some people who think… it is bad.”

Hector said nothing. He looked at Twitch, but his mind wandered. Bad?

But then he discarded that idea. He doesn’t care what other people think. He shook his head at the two of them.

Magnet put a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t know how Stanley feels about two boys being boyfriends.”

Hector furrowed his eyebrows. He thought the Magnet and Twitch were boyfriends with each other, and Stanley is okay with them.

“Even if he was, he might not want his own boyfriend,” Twitch added.

Hector processed that. His head, like its own photo camera. Is that what he was afraid of? Is that the reason he can’t tell Stanley? Because… He might not want to be Hector’s boyfriend?

He stood there, dazed.

“Hate to be the one to tell you you’re gay, little man,” Magnet shrugged, “But not knowing if your crush is too is part of the package.”

“There are better ways to say things, Mag,” Twitch sighed as he pinched his nose.

Hector lit up, “I know that word.”

“At this point, I hope so,” Said Twitch.

“Gay… People call people gay. It sounds bad.”

“It’s not, but people are stupid.”

“Are you two gay?”

Twitch laughed.

“Yes,” Magnet deadpanned.

Hector didn’t know why that was funny. “How can you tell if someone’s gay?”

Magnet shrugged,“You ask them.”

Hector didn’t notice the sarcasm. “I’ll go ask Stanley, then.” He turned to make good on that claim.

“Nonono, not really-!” Twitch grabbed his shoulders to stop him. He looked at Magnet, then to Hector. “We’ll… find out for you.”

“Why can’t I do it?”

“You’re not exactly subtle, Zero,” Magnet answered.

Hector raised an eyebrow. Why would he need to be subtle? He’s sneaky enough.

“We’ll figure it out before tonight, so you have until we leave tomorrow to ask for any help from us.” Twitch had a determined look on his face.


“Stanley needs to know that you’re gay.”

“We’ll help you tell him,” Said Twitch.

“Now, someone’s gotta wake up the Caveman.”

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