in Between pt2

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Hector heard about “liking” people from school. It was weird to him, because he’d always liked Stanley. Just, maybe not in the way his classmates liked other people.

They talked about girlfriends and boyfriends, too. Hector had heard that a lot, even before Camp Green Lake. They were someone really special to a person. When Stanley explained that to him, Hector asked if he was his boyfriend, which Stanley laughed at lightheartedly, then denied.

Hector doesn’t remember it, but he got the same feeling then that he gets now when he looks at Twitch and Magnet together.

Today, he lays on the second bed in Stanley’s room, waiting for him to get home from his internship. It was quiet, save for the monotone hum of the air conditioning.

Hector and his mother had already visited him today to give him a small cake during work. That doesn’t mean Hector doesn’t miss him.

As per usual, Hector was thinking about Stanley. He remembered first seeing him. Stanley was large. He still is, but in a different way. He used to be what he called “chubby.” It was a funny word to Hector, but Stanley said it in a way that felt like he didn’t like it. Hector didn’t think it was bad when Stanley was chubbier. He appeared more friendly, and he had softer hands. Hector didn’t notice himself blushing as he thought about how Stanley’s body changed. Still large, but muscular. Even now, years after Camp Green Lake, he’d been able to maintain a good physique, and he could even lift up Hector by the waist with one arm. Sometimes he would complain about being so tall and large, but Hector would counter with complaints about being small. In the end, those little arguments always ended up either in a fit of laughter, or a back-and-forth of compliments.

Stanley would always bring up his smile. Hector would always bring up the other’s eyes.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He knew it wasn’t Stanley, since he wouldn’t knock on his own bedroom door.

He opened the door to see Stanley’s mom.

“Twitch and Magnet are here,” She said, bright and simple.

Hector’s eyes widened, and he hurried ahead of her down the stairs.

“Hey, what’s up, onion boy!” Magnet ruffled Hector’s hair as a greeting, knowing he isn’t the touchy type.

They both had green t-shirts on, and pants with grass stains around the knees.

“You’re early,” Hector said.

“Jeez, sorry,” Twitch joked.

“Business’s been slow the past few days,” Magnet explained, “Decided to just head on here instead of wasting another day of good blooms.”

“Stanley’s not here yet.”

Magnet scoffed, “Yeah, I think he’d be here with you if he was.”

Hector’s eyes lit up in realization. “I need to tell you two something.”

“Spit it out, little dude,” Said Twitch, with subtle concern.

“Not… Um.”

Hector looked around awkwardly.

The other two raised their eyebrows and looked at each other briefly.



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