
439 4 0

word count:571
reader runs off and enid gets worried so goes to find them

i grabbed a bag, grabbing a knife and heading for the gate. 'hey eugene. i'm just heading out.' i smiled at my dorky friend as i reached for the gate.

he stepped in between me and the gate 'i cannot let you out alone. it is not safe for you.'

'eugene.' i sighed 'you know me. you know i'll be safe. i promise i will be back in the next 12 hours.'

he thought for a moment before stepping to the side. 'i shouldn't be letting you out. i will cover for you but if you are not back in 12 hours i am obligated to tell someone so that they can go find you.'

'okay. that's fair.' i nooded. he opened the gate, closing it behind me.

i headed as far away as i could, making sure i would be able to get back in time. about 5 miles out, i got to my hiding place. it was a small store with an apartment above it. i did as always and grabbed a few snacks from the shelves before heading up to the apartment.

it was stocked with books. i grabbed the one i had been reading last time i got out here, to kill a mockingbird by harper lee, and started to read, laying down on the couch.

-time skip-

i must've fallen asleep because i woke up a while later to someone shaking me. my eyes opened to see enid in the dark, kneeling beside the couch. looking around the apartment was my brother carl and my dad rick but they weren't paying attention.

'hey. eugene said you left a while ago but didn't come back when you said you would. i was worried so we came to look for you.'

'okay the place is clear.' my dad came up behind us.

'i know. i cleared it months ago. i've been hiding out here for ages.' i nodded, standing up and stretching out.

'we better go. it's really late. you've been out for 14 hours we need to get you back.' my dad ushered me out the door. i quickly stuffed a bunch of chocolate from the coffee table and put the book in my bag.

carl was walking ahead with dad and i fell behind a bit with enid. we were walking close, her hand in mine. she kept making jokes and i ket laughing which got us glares from carl.

'so, why did you not tell me about your little hiding place? is that where you kept disappearing off to recently? why did you go?'

'yeah. i tried to tell you but i never got the chance or i thought you would say it's too dangerous and i shouldn't go. and i guess it was just a safe space for me to hide and get me some me time.' i answered all her questions at once.

'i won't talk you out of going. just,' she sighed. we stopped and faced each other, rick and carl stopping to listen in. 'just, if you ever want to go again just bring someone with you so you're not alone and it's safer. even if it's just me it's better than alone.'

i nodded 'of course. i promise i won't go out alone and i'm sorry for disappearing recently.'

we smiled at one another. she pressed a kiss on my lips for a few seconds, making me smile even wider.

ahhh i love writing enid stories i'm actually in love with her
let me know if you like this one🫶

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