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word count:633
michonne and her best friend get to woodbury
warning⚠️:abuse, attempted r@pe

my best friend, michonne, and i got to woodbury a few hours ago. the govenor (he didn't tell us his name and that's what everyone called him) had assigned us a place and we had gone on a walk around to see the town.

it was nice. small, quiet, most importantly, safe. i could raise my daughter, harper, here. she was the same age as michonne's son who was sadly now gone. she was only small so we needed this place.

i met a few people but there was one i refused to speak to. i didn't know his name but he was tall, a buzzcut, stubble over his chin, and his hand was gone. in place, he had metal over his stump.

he wouldn't stop staring at me as i walked beside michonne, with harper on my hip.

-time skip-

it was now late. michonne and i were on the couch, talking, and harper was asleep. 'i like it here. it seems safe.'

michonne was about to say something but there was a knock at the door. i got up to answer it. on the other side was the governor who to be fully honest i found kind of creepy and secretive. what he hell was he doing here?

i opened it 'hello? can i help you?' i asked, trying to sound polite as possible through my discomfort around him.

he offered his only hand as he leaned on my door frame 'hey sweetheart. just came to check how you're settling in. everything okay here?'

'yep.' i answered 'just great.' the discomfort he made me feel was visible on my face.

'well y/n, mind if i come in?' he asked, not even letting me answer, just pushing past me. he saw michonne on the couch but completely ignored her. 'so where's the little kid?'

'my daughter? she's asleep so if you're here for her you'll just have to leave.' i sassed him, walking back to the couch, sitting down.

he scoffed 'no. i'm here for you beautiful.' as the governor stood behind the couch, he leaned towards my ear, inhaling and whispered in my ear 'you smell so good.'

i pushed him back and stood 'okay. i'm going to bed. you can let yourself out.'

he grabbed my waist, pressing himself to my back 'how about i come to bed with you.'

i was about to object but i heard a gun cock and felt the cold metal barrel against my temple.

'you know i barely know you. i don't feel comfortable going to bed with you just yet.' i held back tears.

he said nothing, just hit me in the head with the gun and shooting me in the head. he just barely missed, skimming the top of my head but still fatal.

i felt me knees go weak and hit the floor as my hearing muffled and the door slammed shut. i could hear harper crying through the door.

michonne dropped to her knees by my side, cupping my face in her hands. 'no no no. you're going to be okay.'

'no i wont. you'll just have to put me out of this misery.' i pulled my knife out my pocket but was too weak to hold it up.

i felt it slip out my hand into hears as tears tolled down her cheeks, disguising themselves with mine.

i whispered to her 'just please take care of harper. and before i go, i need to say something michonne. i love you. i'm in love with you. i always have been.'

she said nothing, just pressed a kiss on my forehead. i felt the cold metal of the knife pierce my temple as everything turned to black and the already muffled sounds faded out and my entire body went numb.

im sorry for the sad one but it was the only story line i could think of
let me know what you think🫶

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