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word count:691
reader teaches carl how to play guitar when they're bored

i was extremely bored. alexandria had basically nothing to do or the things i could do, my uncle aaron wouldn't let me. he said he didn't trust me even with the smallest tasks. yes i'm clumsy but i found that insulting.

him and eric had just come back after a few days out. they brought back a group. i had met some of them. their leader, rick, had a son. carl. he was nice, i had spoken to him a few times. and he was kind of attractive. basically i liked him a bit, even after only a week.

i was sat, bored in my room when i noticed what was sat in the corner. my guitar. it was a really nice black electric, but i hadn't played in ages. before the apocalypse, my dad would teach me on his and when we found alexandria there was a place that used to be a music shop so i got one.

i picked it up from its stand in the corner and the pick on my dresser. i strummed it once, cringing at how out of tune it was.

once it was tuned, i began to play the only song i could remember. a song me and my dad write together when i was little, freaks. (the song is actually by surf curse but it was released 2013 so the timeline didn't match)

i began to sing the lyrics 'don't kill me, just help me run away, from everyone, i need a place to stay, where i can cover up my face, don't cry, i am just a freak.' i moved my fingers to match the tabs as i played through one of the good memories of my dad.

just then, there was a knock on the door. i jumped out of my skin and nearly dropped my guitar. i stopped playing to look over and see none other than carl. 'hey, sorry. didn't mean to scare you. i was bored and came to see if you wanted to hang out. you're really good by the way.'

i blushed at the compliment. 'thanks. and sure we can hang out, it can get boring when you have nothing to do round here.'

he sat beside me on the end of the bed, so close we were shoulder to shoulder. 'what were you playing?'

'a song me and my dad wrote when i was 7. it's called freaks.'

'can you teach me?' he asked.

i agreed, liking the fact that he seemed interested in my hobbies. even if the song did have sentimental value. i rested the guitar on his thigh and began to teach him.

i showed him how to properly hold the pick and began telling him where to put his fingers to play the tabs. 'okay, so your first finger, goes on the bottom string on the 9th fret.'

he didn't understand a word of what i just said so i rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, moving it to where it should be. the quick moment of contact made my face turn pink, and i could see his had a gone a similar shade.

i looked up at the same time as him, i never noticed how blue his eyes were. they were stunning. we were stuck there for a moment before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine gently.

he stayed centimetres from my face for a few second, eyes stuck on the lips his were just on. but when he realised what he just did, he immediately moved away. 'i'm sorry, i don't know why i did...'

i cut him off by pressing my lips back on his 'it's alright. i liked it.'

we smiled at each other before i went back to teaching him the song. he stayed with me for a few hours after. we just sat on my bed, talking.

that's when he asked me a question. 'y/n, i really liked that kiss. and i really like you. i get we haven't known each other that long but do you want to be my girlfriend?'

and of course i said yes.

im actually in love with carl so much and i love playing guitar so i thought why not combine the two things i love :)
as always, please let me know what you thought🫶

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