Chapter 15

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Dread quickly became a constant companion on Aurora's mind. The seed had been planted when she first met Ember, only blossoming as she rushed home after her mother's meeting. She had just managed to pull herself inside the bedroom window when the woman reentered the house.

Charlotte. Her mother's first name was such a simple thing, yet it deeply jarred Aurora. Not once in her life had she inquired her mother's name. She had never even seen it used before! If Charlotte had kept this away from her, what other secrets were she harboring?

The flower was creating a garden.

Auri had kept to herself in her room all day (mostly just afraid she would slip up about the forest). When night approached, she decided it was time. Aurora steeled her face and calmly walked into the kitchen. A bowl of her normal food was sitting in the fridge. She grasped the container in one hand and quietly peeked into the living room.

Her mother was seated silently on their couch, back to Aurora, hands flying over her laptop. Auri herself had never had a computer or even a phone, but she knew her mother had top notch technology. The white haired girl slowly approached, trying to make out what her mother was so furiously working on.

Houses! The screen was filled with nothing but houses and floor plans in a random country called Khalistan. Aurora slowly retreated to her room, puzzled. Then realization hit her.

Mother is planning on moving.

Aurora numbly ate the food and resolved to waiting until the next day to talk to Ember.


Sunday was halfway through and Aurora hoped all would stay quiet. She had just reluctantly left the sanctuary of her room to use the restroom when her mother appeared.

The hair on Charlotte's head was unkempt, like she had stayed up all night and didn't bother to brush it. Odd. One of her hands was clenching a glass of water and the other was curled into a fist at her side. Aurora noticed her step was slow and deliberate. She stopped directly in front of Aurora, eyes watching the girl like a hawk.

Then she dropped the glass.

Aurora let out a small gasp. She managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground, but the water spilled. The floor was quickly covered in liquid. Auri rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the paper towels. She swabbed up the mess quickly and efficiently, then returned to her room. Her decision was to wait until dinner like the night before.

Charlotte did not move an inch. She only observed the scene.


The digital clock in front of Aurora read 11:26. She had been sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at the time piece since she had pretended to go to sleep at 9 o'clock. Thankfully, Sunday had passed with no other quirks.

Without a word, Auri was outside and entering the forest. She actually avoided many of the deterrents this time and reached the cave just before midnight. With a deep breath, Aurora sat a ways into the cave and waited.




By 12:45 Aurora was livid. Where was that annoying red head?!

Suddenly she was bathed in red and blue light. The crystals embedded in the cave wall were glowing brightly. Ember.

The girl in question stumbled through the mouth of the cave a second later, the goofy smile plastered on her face contrasting to the scowl on Aurora's.

"Where were you?" Aurora whispered furiously.

Ember scratched the back of her head and whispered back, "Uhh...caught in traffic?"

Aurora's face contorted with rage before she controlled herself. "There. Is. No. Traffic. In. The. Woods!"

"Right..." She whispered. "I sorta kinda...overslept?"

"What?! I thought you had been eaten by those wolves!" She hissed, voice still at a low volume.


The girls were silent for a minute.

"Wait, why are we whispering?"

Aurora cocked her head to the side. "I don't really know."

Ember laughed suddenly, and after a few seconds, Aurora joined her. The knot in Aurora's stomach loosened. For a moment she actually felt like a normal person.

Of course it was at that moment that a loud rustling began outside.

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