Part - 72 Frontline Frenzy

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William looked out of his commander's cupola, his Tortoise sitting idly in the middle of the road, ignoring the fact that it was completely exposed.

The repugnant smell of sulfur filled the air around him, stinging his nose.

Smoke rose in the background,

The boss had engaged the enemy,

The slightly distant popping of machine guns and heavy and deep booming of cannons rung through the air, already filled with the sounds of idling engines.

Right next to the Tortoise, was the Comet, with no one inside.

The crew had set up a scout post on top of a fair building, using binoculars and rangefinders.

The War-Veteran crew did their jobs flawlessly, and up until the All-Stars suddenly and radically improved their attacking performance, were they actually able to effectively be taken out.

It was odd, to say the least

The All-Stars randomly improving like they were a switch that could be flipped was so crazy, one moment and they were doing what you would expect Sensha-Dō crews to do, using the Shimada style and whatnot, and the next second, they were killing machines that could sense you if you breathed too hard.

"War has no rules. Even the most civilized country in the world would break the Geneva Convention if they thought it would help their cause. And you saw how much they don't like us boys driving tanks." Carm words repeatedly bounced around in his head.

Would the All-Stars lower themselves so much to cheat?

William had met with the All-Stars's three "lieutenants" just before the match started.

They seemed like decent people, they didn't seem like the kind who would cheat.

Was that merely a disguise to hide their true role?

Carm's words then echoed in his mind again,

War had no rules,

And Sensha-Dō is basically war, but with rules,

When followers of a culture, no matter how bad or crazy it may be, but if the followers think that they, or their culture are in danger, they will disregard rules if it means that their culture stays alive....

William attempted to think deeper, but was soon cut off.

"Commander William! Enemy tank formation spotted approaching our position!" Captian Lancewell said.

"Roger Captain! Get back to your tank! Prepare for the enemy onslaught!" William said.

William then talked through his radio

"Karl, Nikolai! Be ready they're coming!" William shouted.

"Let them! They can charge all they want!" Nikolai said, Bloodlust practically seeping through the mic which he was speaking in.

"Darjeeling, are you ready?" William said

"Ready as I'll ever be, I'm afraid....." Darjeeling said.

"Kay, is your tank in position?" William said.

"I'm in some cover? I hope it works..." Kay's chipper Japanese accent said through the mic.

Mostly Girls, und Panzer II: Der Film (Male Reader OC x Girls und Panzer) Where stories live. Discover now