Assault on the Shie Hassaikai

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During the conversation Overhaul was having with (Y/n), Eri was laying on her bed. She wondered about the girl who clung to Overhaul... She thought she looked kind of like her. She had the same terrified expression, but not towards the same person. To Eri, it looked like someone else, and Overhaul was a hero to her. She couldn't stop thinking of the words she spoke when Overhaul tried to comfort her. Two things stood out.

The first, was the useful tool, and that it hurt. Eri knew what that felt like, being used for something she couldn't see. She shared the same fear, only of Overhaul. Overhaul was not that person to her, in fact... it was why she didn't understand the second thing she said. Reset complete: Kai Reset. Eri wondered if perhaps the girl had an ability similar to her Rewind. Maybe... she could see the girl if she behaved.

She thought about this as she lay down in her dark room. Toys that her new caretaker bought lay unopened on the floor. She sat up quickly stopping her train of thought as he opened the door. "Eri... It's okay, I'm just checking to see if you're here." He walked further into the room. "You haven't touched your toys at all. And I bought all these for you, too. You can let your guard down a little."

He was smiling wide as he came to a stop by her bed. Eri didn't want to trust him. After all, he belonged to the person she scared her the most. He was Overhaul's underling, how could she trust him? Then, what did that make the girl? The girl called him by a name that no one else did. Were they that close? How was it possible given how he was with everyone around him. After what he did to her Grandpa, to her.

Leaning down slightly, he patted her head. Her arm raised to defend herself. "I'm not scary, see? Is there anything you want?" She turned her head away. Could she dare ask to meet the girl? Would Overhaul allow it? "It's fine, it's fine. If I'm in the way, then I'll leave. See?"

Just before the room door closed, Eri called out in a quiet voice. "Wait.. there was something... I want to meet the girl. I think she was my cousin. Can I?"

The man was silent for a moment. "I'll have to ask Overhaul. If he says yes, the next time I come here, I'll bring her with me."

((Y/n) POV)

What happened after that was all hazy. The light from my quirk stopped and Kai came running over. He had taken something from the table beside him and covered the spots with them. I think he was screaming my name, and then What may have been Chrono or Nemoto, I was uncertain. Everything kept going in and out.

A pulsing feeling, then a needle before I felt numb. Kai's golden eyes moved from me to someone else in the room. I couldn't make them out very well. Someone else entered the room too, seeming to ask Kai something that made him mad. The man held his hands up before backing away. "I think it's fixed a bit. We made it just in time though there will be a scar, Overhaul."

I could feel his hand on my hair as my eyes started to close. The only thing I wanted to do was sleep. "Good, we should let her get some rest." A mask covered my face, it was harder to stay awake because of what was going through it. As my eyes started to close, Kai leaned forward. "(Y/n)... don't do that again. You don't understand why yet, but maybe... They can meet tomorrow. Make sure the room is ready."

(Time Skip)

The last two days, I spent hanging around Eri. It was nice being with someone who understood my pains, fears, and timid nature. It was obvious when she was Led into a room I had been asked to wait in by a man with Blonde hair with a black layer. We ended up staring at one another for several minutes, I wondered who would make the first move. Her or me. Kai had my arm wrapped up tightly, I wasn't going to be able to remove the bandages like before.

Yet, almost as if he was trying to appease me, he did take a few blood samples. He said that would be enough, and I tried to accept it. Just... seeing how small she was, how timid and the way her arms and legs were wrapped. "You... remind me of... well me when I was your age. My, uh, parents used to beat me for no reason. I had to hide my scales under bandages, and if they ever showed... I would be beaten more. Do you wear those... because of Kai?"

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