Day at the Mall

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Everyone who failed the practical exams looked utterly defeated today. Ashido was crying. "Everyone... I'm looking forward.... To hearing your stories... about training camp..." Midoriya was trying to calm her down, and Sero told him not to jinx the results. Kirishima poked him in the eye as he talked about the practical exam results being paired with the written. He didn't think they made it. Especially since we didn't know how we were going to be scored.

Aizawa opened the door as I sat in my seat. "Once the bell rings, get in your seats." It was quiet as Aizawa took the podium. "Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods... everyone's going!" What did that even mean? "Some failed, but on one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, Sero and (Y/n) failed. For this time's exam, we on the villain side made sure to leave a way for the students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we hadn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started."

Ojiro spoke up next. "So when you said you were out to crush us..."

Aizawa nodded as he continued. "That was to make you feel cornered. In the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger. It was a rational falsehood. That said, (Y/n), you are going to be going through different lessons than the rest." Iida thought our faith in Aizawa would waver since he lied to us, twice. "That's true. I'll consider that. But I wasn't lying about everything. Failure is failure. We have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school."

After classes were over I picked up my things to follow Aizawa when he got back. Including the booklet that was for the training camp. As I was flipping through it, I noticed things I didn't have that would be needed. Toru suggested that since we were off tomorrow, we would go shopping as a class. Bakugou was out, but paused to look at me before he left. Todoroki was also out due to visiting his mother on his days off. I assumed I also wouldn't be going, but was wrong.

Aizawa held an envelope out to me. "You know how to use money, right?" I nodded, thinking back to the festival where I had gotten the food stall foods. "Good, this is an allowance. I've been hanging onto it in case you were going to need it. The others are going shopping tomorrow, right?" Again, I nodded. What was he getting at? "Use this to go with them. Midoriya thought it might be a good idea. Getting you acquainted with larger spaces and more people. I agree, some real world plans might be good for you. That said, also take this."

Now he was holding out some kind of device, it wasn't bulky but it had some breakable capsules. "What is it?"

He placed it around my neck, letting it sit loosely before backing up. "I had Hatsume make it with Midnights gas. Like the device that your battle partner used, it will release just enough to put you to sleep. Midoriya is going to be your partner for this excursion, so stay close to him." I nodded, fiddling with the capsule a bit.

Looking back up, I had one question. "Do I have to give it back after? Or is it like a support item, like the lazer thing Aoyama has on him at all times?"

Aizawa seemed to smile lightly, placing a hand on my head. "Would it make you feel safer to keep it?" I didn't reply, just looked away from him. "I'm kidding. It is yours to do with as you please. Until you feel comfortable enough with your own power, you can keep it, and we can always make more capsules to replace the ones you use. So don't worry about giving it back." I smiled. Something that was mine, actually mine that I could use as I pleased, or when I needed it. I haven't had anything like that since I was with Kai.

The next day, I met up with Midoriya after Aizawa dropped me off in front of the mall. He needed to do something and so would be back when Midoriya shot him a text. That way if anything happened he would be close by. It was really just shopping he needed to do for the house and some alone time. Midoriya was already muttering to himself as we started out. Some people even recognised the others as U.A students from the sports festival.

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