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This was one of the most popular chapters in the original story so hopefully the new one will be just as good :) Also, hooray! The revised story just hit 2k views!

"Alright everyone, let me explain this mission before we go inside." Yukio stated, his previously playful tone having dissipated into his usual tenor. We were just outside of an old, decrepit building. It looked like some sort of old hotel. The late time of day meant that shadows were cast over the crumbling bricks, making the structure appear far more ominous than need be. "The demons we will be exorcising today are fairly harmless, but the amount of them requires a large group. Hence why it was given to us. This will be a learning experience as these demons are a bit uncommon." He gestured to our group, "their type exhibit more... psychological tendencies rather than physical. They are the type that you'll see lurking around the depressed or grieving. Except, these demons horde, making it harder for us to eradicate."

"Okumura-sensei, what do you mean by psychological?"

"I was about to get to that. As I said, these demons prey on depressive thoughts. They will size us up, pick apart our weaknesses, and target the weakest link." My mouth formed a thin line with this new information. I'd have to conceal my emotions, not only outwardly, but internally, as well. "Even the strong-willed have weaknesses, so I want to preface:" My twin gazed at our group, sincerity ringing in his voice. "If you become the target; you are not weak. These demons will choose someone, and it may just be you. Do not beat yourselves up. Remember what I said about team work, earlier?" I nodded my head, and in my peripheral, I saw my classmates do the same. "Good. This will be one of many scenarios where you will need to communicate and use each other to lean on."

My twin turned on his heels, grasping the entrance door handle and pulling it open. We all walked behind him silently. As I passed the threshold, the atmosphere changed. It hung heavy and thick in the musty air, clinging to my skin and making me feel slightly claustrophobic. Shiemi shivered as she walked next to me and I turned to give her a comforting smile. She returned the action, rubbing her palms together, the hair on her arms standing on end. "I'm okay,' she whispered, "kinda wish I wore a jacket, though." I nodded, agreeing with her. It was dusk and mid-February. Even inside, away from the wind-chill, I could feel a damp breeze across my skin.

"Okumura-sensei?" Konekomaru spoke up, a bit timid. "What should we expect from these demons? How will they pick apart our weaknesses?"

Shura was the one to speak up, surprisingly. She had remained silent for most of our trip here. "Well, first of all, these exorcisms can give the demons a handicap. We go in knowing they will target us, so we tend to have fairly negative thoughts. They will pick up on this," she gestured to her head, tapping her temple. "Unless you can hide it, well." I was going to take her up on that challenge. "However, eventually, someone will crack. They will use that to their advantage and key into whatever insecurity that person has. It'll be a domino effect afterwards as everyone becomes weakened. They'll say things - scream them even, from your memories to get your attention." My eyes wandered over my peers, curious who the victim would be. I knew myself enough that it was fairly possible it might be me. However, I would like to believe that the last few months of training has earned me a fair bit of emotional control. "Once everyone is weak, they'll go around, picking something from all of us. They'll settle on whoever gives off the worst reactions.

"Be fair warned," she continued. "Even if you believe yourself to be the target. Do not let your guard down, not until we are certain who is. Doing so could make you a target as well. These demons aren't impartial to tearing into more than one person. The longer we wait it out, the less co-workers affected."

My twin nodded, his voice taking over where she left off. "These demons will speak your nightmares, your insecurities, and your sorrow, all in the hopes to break you. These demons are not too dangerous physically, but they hoard together, so be prepared for a long fight." He waited patiently for us all to agree before he drew in a deep breath. "Alright, everyone stick together, we can't afford to separate into groups."

"It" Can't be Helped (Revised) | ♾️ | Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now