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This bitch long btw, sorry for the hiatus! 3500 words!!

I closed my eyes, taking a few deep, calming breaths as I found my center. I was in a vacant room, my candles placed in a line before me. With the temperature outside steadily dropping, I'd taken my practicing inside. However, I'd thought better than to continue doing this in our bedroom. Not unless I wanted Yukio to catch me. This room was a floor up from the one we resided in, and Yukio never really set foot up here. I could always explain my absence as something else if he were to ever question me, as well.

Slowly, I've been able to pinpoint how to bring my flames to the surface. And with every session, I got a better grasp how to find them faster. I felt that familiar, warm feeling creep up inside me, and I knew I'd found it, once more. I opened my eyes, directing my energy forward. Almost like a cord, I could feel the warmth travelling. Delight swirled in my mind as all three candles lit up with a blue hue. Perfect, step one; done. Latching onto the connection, I began to reign it back in. It was almost like pulling on a rope, but I just couldn't physically touch it. I watched, eagerly, as the farthest candle flickered, the flame dancing wildly, before diminishing. Smoke trailed up from the wick, dancing in the air above it. The joy I felt with that small action was immeasurable, but I kept myself in check. There were still two candles that needed extinguishing. Just as before, I pulled on the connection. The effort taking less energy. I've realized that the closer an item was to me, the easier it was to use my flames on it.

Relief and elation swirled in my body when another candle died out, following closely behind by the last. I pumped a fist in the air, crying out in victory. Finally! I'd been able to complete this operation previously, however, this was the first time I hadn't struggled in the process.

For shits and giggles, I repeated my actions, the flames igniting and snuffing out easily. My practice sessions had taught me a few things, one thing being that my first attempt was always the most difficult. After my first success, I was always able to imitate it. The problem was ending my practice and trying again the next day.

I had the sudden urge to share my progress with someone else. However, I didn't have anyone to share it with. No way in hell could I bring this up with Yukio, he'd probably get pissed with me. And seeing as how he shot me the last time my flames made an appearance, I'd prefer to keep this a secret from him. Not that I felt any joy whilst around him, I was still at odds with his actions.

No one knew the control I was gaining over myself, both physically and mentally. Except maybe Shura, I mused. She'd seemed to notice the grace I'd gained during our lessens. A smile quirked at my lips as I recalled her promise to give me the Kurikara back if I kept up the good work.

An idea popped into my head and I scooped the candles up, pushing out of the empty room. I made my way down the flight of stairs and entered my bedroom. I grabbed my school bag from beside the desk and emptied the contents onto my bed, replacing them with the candles. I threw the bag over my shoulder and darted out of the room. I skipped down the stairs, jumping down to the main floor when there were still a handful of steps left. A bit of excitement bubbled up inside of me as I yanked open the front door.

A few students gave me wayward glances as I sprinted across the courtyard. It wasn't often that I was seen in casual attire, so I understood. Pulling my key from my pocket, I unlatched the door in front of me and walked into the extravagant hallway. I made a bee-line for my destination, grateful that the corridors were empty. Once I'd arrived, I disregarded any manners I'd been taught and threw the door open without knocking.

"Shura!" I cried out, my elation filtering into my words. I watched as she jumped from her seated position next to the battling cage. She dropped her phone and her gaze shifted to me, irritation flashing in her eyes. I paid no mind to her sour mood, walking forward and throwing myself to the floor in front of her. "I have to show you something, but promise me you won't be mad."

"It" Can't be Helped (Revised) | ♾️ | Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now