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It's been about a week since I'd accidentally hurt myself, and I found myself looking at the slightly pink scar as I listened to Yukio's lecture. It was the tail end of class, and Anti-Demon Pharmaceutics was our last class of the day. I held back my yawn and pulled my gaze from my wrist, turning my attention to the front as I leaned my chin against my palm. Yukio droned on about specific herbs and plants that could be found in the wild. A surprising amount could be used for demonic ailments. After he finished his teachings, he told us to use the rest of the period to study and I took that as my cue to close my eyes.

"Okumura-sensei?" Bon piped up, and I heard my brother respond. "This might be a stupid question, but it's something I used to think about as a kid." My brother hummed and I found myself yawning again, the lull of sleep trying to pull me in. I resisted, however, remembering Yukio's words about my reputation. Closing my eyes is fine, but sleeping in class had to stop. "There are humans in Assiah, and demons in Gehenna. But what about angels, or a god? If they do exist, how come we can't see them?"

Whatever chatter there had been in the room quieted, all of us becoming curious about the answer; including myself. I kept my eyes closed, but I remained attentive. "That's not a stupid question, Suguro-san," my brother mused. "However, I want you to consider something: you can see demons can't you?" There wasn't a response, and I could only assume he nodded. "What about the rest of society? Does your typical citizen see them, as well?" Again, there wasn't a verbal answer, but I could safely assume everyone was disagreeing. "Alright, but since they can't see the demons, doesn't mean that they don't exist." The air was still in the room as everyone processed his words. It took a moment, but I was able to figure out what my twin was hinting at. "The same applies to angels and any god there might be. Even as Exorcists, we don't have proof that they exist, but we theorize that they might. Demons seek to terrorize humans. So, they tend to harm us, giving us a Temptaint. Seeing as how angels are supposed to help humanity, they would see no reason to give us Temptaints. Instead, they help without being seen."

Yukio finished his rambling, and the class fell silent, no doubt pondering the newfound knowledge. I mulled it over in my head, but the philosophical side of it was too much for my exhausted brain to handle. I stopped my musing and the class continued as before. I could barely hear the sounds of pencils on paper and the swish of pages being turned. The sounds were soothing, and without any other stimulation, my mind grew quiet, and I soon forgot my pledge to stay awake.


I was awoken with a jolt, my ass hitting the floor before I could even open my eyes. I rubbed my eyes before glaring at Ryuji, who was towering over me. Agitation grew inside of me at his pissed expression. "What the hell, man?!" I barked, and I saw his brown eyes grow darker.

"Shut the hell up, Okumura. Why even bother showing up to class if you're going to treat it like a bedroom?" He clenched his jaw, and a vein in his temple throbbed. "Do you even learn anything when you're here?" I heard my brother chide from the front of the room, but he didn't intervene, not yet. I didn't blame him, not with how often this occurred.

I yawned, shooting a bored look up at the burly teen above me. "You done yet? We go through this every week, and I'd like a rain check." I leaned forward and began to push myself up, but Suguro had different ideas. I felt his boot collide with my shoulder and I cussed as I was shoved down to the floor. I could feel the tread of his sole through my academy jacket and I gave the guy a dubious glare. I'll be pissed if he ruins this jacket.

"I'm sick of your shit, dude." He spat out, "I don't know how Okumura-sensei has dealt with your ass for as long as he has." His boot pushed down on me again, and I grunted in pain. "I don't have that much patience." His face became covered in shadows as he tilted his head down, a glint in his eye. "As an exorcist in training. I would've exorcised your ass a long time ago."

"It" Can't be Helped (Revised) | ♾️ | Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now