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It's been about a week since Shura grilled me. The first few days after our little conversation, I barely slept. My nightmares have grown in frequency and severity. Eventually, I gave up on trying to sleep at all. I spent most of my nights sitting on the roof, my feet dangling off the side of the building as I pondered my life. Last night had been no different, and I'm sure tonight would be the same. Not going to lie, I found peace in my isolation. I didn't have to worry about what anyone else was thinking or feeling, it was just me and my thoughts.

I pushed open the entryway door to the dormitory. My eyes skated over the cafeteria as I passed by, continuing up the stairs. I'd gone back to making dinner for Yukio, and my worsened insomnia made it so I always had time to prepare our lunches. I've even started prepping breakfast for us, although I still would excuse myself from the meal. Yukio had questioned me on it, but I'd simply given him the same excuse as before; that I ate while cooking. I've also gone back to meditating and practicing with my flames. I had to make sure I wouldn't find myself in another catastrophe, and my practice sessions have been successful thus far. However, my biggest obstacle was emotional control, and my itchy arm was a heavy signifier that I was going to struggle to reign it in.

Everyone seems to have gone back to normal, at least for the most part. The dynamic has changed slightly. It seems everyone has realized that if you don't poke the beast, it won't wake up. So I've been ignored in my cram classes. It was as if I was a ghost or even a fly on the wall. This new development was a lot easier than our previous arrangements. I no longer was on the receiving end of frightened expressions. Instead, I was glossed over, like a statue in the park.

I hummed to myself as I made it up the last few steps, my eyes zeroing in on a glittery blue gift bag in front of our bedroom door. With furrowed brows, I moved forward, grabbing the handle, and walked into the room. I set the bag down on the desk and pulled out the envelope that had been placed on top. On the front, my name was written in an ornamental script. I tore the top of the envelope open and pulled out the card inside. It was a plain white card, with a simple phrase in gold embossment. Thinking of you.

I scoffed, whoever gave this to me was a liar. Flipping the card open, I read its contents, the handwriting the same as the one on the front of the envelope.

Darling student of mine,
          It has come to my attention that a part of your school uniform has been destroyed. Do take care of the replacements I have given you. However, with the amount of blood you have shed on your clothing as of late, I doubt they will stay white for long.

~ P.S. also inside this bag, I have given you a gift, three to be exact. Each one for a different reason, yet all for the same purpose. As you should know, the winter months are closing in, as is your birthday. So think of them as a Christmas present, a birthday gift, and lastly, a token of kindness from an older brother.

Don't get too carried away,

Mephisto Pheles

I dropped the card down to the desk, pinching the bag and peering inside. The top was covered in tissue and I wasn't able to make any assumptions as to what these gifts might be. Reaching inside, I pulled the first thing I could touch. It was wrapped in the same tissue that was stuffed in the bag, the edge of the paper plastered down with a sticker of the academy's logo. I had to chuckle at that, of course Mephisto had stickers. I was able to assume what was inside the package by the way it didn't hold its shape as I tore off the paper. Inside were two crisp, white button-ups. I sighed in relief, thankful that I didn't have to do laundry every other day anymore. I'd also been worried about how I'd be able to pay for them, but I guess there were perks to having the Headmaster as your legal guardian.

"It" Can't be Helped (Revised) | ♾️ | Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now