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Trigger warning; duh
This revision will have most major plot points but has been edited to add and remove some things. I'm looking at you Yukio x Shura. *Shudders*


"Okumura-san... Okumura Rin!" The lulls of sleep began to fade away from me, and I groaned, not prepared to face the waking world. "Nii-san, wake up!" My shoulder was shoved, a little harshly for a simple wake-up call, and I groaned once again. Peeking through my eyelashes and blinking away my sleepiness, I answered that I was, in fact, awake. I straightened in my seat and rubbed my tired eyes, and after dropping my hands, I came face to face with Yukio.

His teal eyes were stone cold, and the slight wrinkle between his brows conveyed his discontent. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, averting my gaze. Choosing to stare at the tiled floor beside me. "Sorry, Sensei. I guess I didn't sleep well last night." I knew my reasoning wouldn't be enough to excuse my actions, and I heard him scoff in response.

He took a step forward and bent down, his breath hitting my ear as he grumbled. "That's bullshit, and you know it. We sleep in the same room. You were asleep when I came back and when I woke up." He tutted, "get a grip."

After his remark, he stood straight and turned on his heels, returning to his podium. I sank back in my seat, mulling over his words and turning my head to see what Shiemi was working on. She had her book open and was reading intently. I scooted forward in my seat and kept my voice low as I spoke. "Hey," green eyes met my own, "what's the assignment for tonight?"

She opened her mouth just as the bell rang, and she jumped slightly. A blush spread across her cheeks as she began to gather her things. "Um, it's pages one-hundred-one to one-hundred-seven." She bit her lip and grabbed the last of her things, pushing herself out of her chair and toward the door.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat, running a hand through my messy hair. Her reaction was on par with everyone else's lately. Ever since that damn camping incident and the Grigori, everyone has been cautious with me. I shook my head and gathered my things, filtering out of the room with everyone else. Keeping my head low, I made my trek back to the dormitory, my mind filled with memories from a few weeks prior.

I understood that my secret was a shock to the others. It had been a shock to me. That didn't mean that their reactions had been reasonable, however. The cram school kids had known me for some time before the news was spilled, so they should know my true nature. That didn't matter, though, as I was the spawn of Satan. I was a creature to them, I was the enemy.

A deep breath escaped my lips as I passed through the entryway of the dorm, my thoughts sour as a climbed the staircases.

They've turned on me, treating me like some feral animal. They believed I was a hairpin away from snapping, and no matter how much I begged them to listen, to understand that I wasn't a ticking bomb, they always fought back. And despite my own beliefs, their reasonings were sound. I wasn't human, and my genetics were of devious origins. While I may not be bloodthirsty, that didn't mean that I wasn't dangerous.

I grunted as I entered our room, tossing my textbooks on my bed and leaning against the closed door behind me. No matter how well I explained myself, the odds would always be stacked against me. I was an abomination, one that has never been researched. My actions would be monitored twenty-four-seven. I took a deep breath and gripped my hair, pulling at the roots. Any step out of line, and I might find myself at the opposite end of a barrel. I swallowed hard at the thought of said barrel being held by my brother.

A thud resounded in the room as I cracked my head against the door, pain rattling in my skull. But the pain helped rid my horrid thoughts. I sighed and wandered over to the lone desk, pulling out the chair and throwing myself into it. I rubbed my tired eyes and glanced at the nearby clock. Yukio usually had meetings or missions after school, so I was on my own most nights. I pulled myself together and brought out my homework, busying myself for the next couple of hours.

"It" Can't be Helped (Revised) | ♾️ | Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now