' First Goodbyes. '

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start of s4;pt1 characters.
Alive characters;


All are stranded in Marley.
Annie is free from her crystallization.

Titans don't exist in this world.

3rd Person POV;

Armin clung to Mikasa as they huddled in a corner, glancing around wildly. Eren stood in front of them, eyes narrowed as his gaze traveled more carefully around the room they were in.

Gabi, Falco, Reiner, and Annie were trapped in another corner. Reiner had his hand over Gabi's mouth, and Annie held her's over Falco's.

" We're never going to get out of here..! We're all gonna die..! " Floch cried from a third corner. " Shut it! " Jean whisper-snapped. " They'll find us! "

Pieck clung to Porco, who huddled anxiously behind Zeke in another corner. Connie, Sasha, and Historia were sitting on a high-up, sturdy shelf. Hange and Levi were in the same corner as Jean and Floch.

" It's filthy in here.. " Levi muttered, " but we don't have much a choice. "

Hange nodded, their eyes clouded. They didn't reply verbally, obviously lost in thought. Eren grunted and dropped onto his knees. " This is pointless. We need to come up with a plan. "

" But what? Got any ideas? " Reiner asked, a tremor in his voice. Eren shook his head, and Annie sighed. " We have to think of something. " She glanced at Armin.

But Armin only shook his head. " I don't have anything.. "

As he finished speaking, Porco steadied himself. " Then we have to fight."

Gabi shoved Reiner's hand away from his mouth. " Are you insane?! We'll all die quicker! " The girl shrieked. Reiner gasped and slapped his hand over her mouth. " Hush! If you shriek, we'll be found. "

Gabi looked at him with wide, pleading eyes. But Hange spoke up. " I have to agree with him. We need to fight , or we'll die of dehydration. "

Levi nodded. " We've been trained to fight, not run, " he said. " But you guys-- we'll die quicker if we fight..! We'll lose! " Floch fretted.

" No, we'll lose if we don't fight. If we don't fight, we can't win. " Eren chimed. " Sure, but do we have the right weapons for this? " asked Connie. Zeke hummed in thought.

" As long as I can get a bow and arrow , I'll be fine. " Sasha said. " A crossbow should be fine for me, " Connie added.

" That's all well and great, " Jean piped up, " but what about the rest of us? We're trained with swords and ODM gear, not bows and arrows. "

" We have gun skills-- " Levi cut off as a zombie banged on the door. Gabi let out a muffled scream. Reiner tensed. Floch yelped, and got slapped by Jean. Anxiety and tension circulated the room, infecting everyone like a virus.

" The weapon storage is there in that closet, everyone grab what you need! " Zeke ordered, pointing at a large closet. Everyone dashed forward at once, some grabbing bows and arrows, others grabbing guns.

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