Part 17

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"How about we step outside for a moment?" Ronan asked, his voice seemed aged.

"Perfect." I said, and walked out to the gardens. I sat on a bench, I analysed their actions as they followed me outside. Tyler closed the door behind us. Oh shit. I focused on keeping my heart beat steady.

"How did you find out?" Ronan's silky voice whispered.

"I used my brain, you are all too different, you know if Alec had spent less time with me, I would still be in the dark." They all glared at Alec, he looked shocked. I quickly gave him an apologetic look. No one said anything, so I decided it was time to speak up. "I'm not going to tell anyone you know, but hey if your gunna kill me get on with it, I can't stand the tension." Ronan laughed, obviously amused.

"You shouldn't put ideas into my head darling," his voice like velvet. Think Cher think. He stepped towards me. Alec looked terrified.

"I'm not scared of you. Any of you. You're just people that have a different appetite," I muttered and stepped towards Ronan. He raised an eyebrow.

"You do realise we could kill you like that," he said clicking his fingers. He was about to say something more but I didn't want to hear it.

"I know, you could kill me easily, it wouldn't take you a minute to catch me if I run, I get the idea, I've read enough stories about vampires to know the speech." They all just stared at me. I glanced at my nails. They still had the french manicure on them. I smile reached my lips, I remember me and Sage trying to do them, she wouldn't move on until they were perfect. I looked back at the boys, well vampires, they were staring at me as if I had lost my mind, a giggle slipped through my lips. "So if we are done talking I really do want to dance, Alec still up to it?" I asked raising my eyebrow. He looked taken aback, so I walked up to him grabbing his wrist and pulling him along with me. I opened the door the others still seemed in shock, so I pulled Alec inside.

"Cher?" his angelic voice asked.

"Yeah?" my voice strong and confident. His looked down at me, I went to turn away, I could feel my skin burning up but he cupped my face forcing me to look at him.

"You're honestly not scared, huh?" I just nodded. "So why did you run?" My mind raced back to the day at sports. My eyes locked with his, he was dazzling me again. I pulled away from him.

"Apparently I'm not going to get my dance so if you will excuse me," I turned on my heel and went to find the bar. I needed a drink, alcoholic or soft but a drink non the less. I found a soda at the bar, I opened the can and took a long gulp.

"Oh and the little lost bitch returns." Becky's voice rang in my head. I spun round to see her in a corpse bride style outfit. Bitch? Um thanks Bec's. "Oh did I say that out loud? Woops, might go and accidentally say out loud to Alec about your small crush." What! What is she on?!

"Where's Becky and who are you... a slut?" I asked, I knew she was definitely not a slut, but I needed something to insult her with. She laughed.

"It seems your at loss for snarky comments." My eyes narrowed. Who does she think she is? Oh yeah the best friend who I hurt. My eyes softened.

"I'm sorry. I don't deserve a friend like you." I said softly. She glared at me.

"You pathetic little bitch! How dare you? What makes you think that you deserve better than me? You sure know how to make someone feel small." Oh shit! She took it the wrong way. She thought I was being sarcastic.

"What's going on ladies?" I heard Ronan's voice drift over our way. What was he doing over here? Who cares? Use it to your advantage!

"Nothing, Ronan how about that dance?" I asked him, he glanced at us then nodded. Finally! My escape. He offered me his hand, which I took gratefully, and let him tow me to the dance floor. A slow song came on, a hand was placed on my waist another offered to my hand. I slid my hand into his and we started to dance. Our eyes locked. I suddenly found my self blushing. I looked away embarrassed he pulled me closer to him, my head resting on his shoulder. It felt right, he didn't say a word, just kept dancing. I saw Alec next to the bar, he noticed me, I was about to smile when he seemed to growl and walk off. What was going on? Ignore him my mind mentaly told me. The song ended, I smiled at Ronan.

"Cher, you can't tell anyone. We would normally kill you just for knowing our secret but we have decided you are different and can be trusted. Sorry if I scared you earlier," his voice soft, his hand scratched his neck. He looked away awkwardly, I just nodded and hurried off.

Ok so they like me? That's good righ- "Ow! Jesus woman look were you're going!" I cried, my body a lump on the floor. A girl with bronze skin, not skinny, average weight like me and dead straight dark brown hair was standing infront of me. Ok so I walked into her, but who cares. I recognised her as one of the populars. Or was kind of popular. She hung out with Tia, but always seemed too nice to be like Tia. I huffed and pulled myself up. My shoulder hurt, jeez that girl was solid.

"Urm, you walked into me?" the girl muttered awkardly. Yup, thanks captian obvious.

"Ugh, whatever." I brushed of my dess, she just stood there staring at me. Confusion in her expression. "What?" I snapped.

"Your smell?" she whispered, it sounded more to her self.

"What! I smell?" A surge of worry ran through me, I had a shower just this morning!

"You smell sickly sweet, like honey with added sugar, it's gross," she grimanced. I stared at her. How dare she!

"What the hell?" I asked, rude bitch! Suddenly I felt a cold arm wrap around my shoulder, I looked up to see Will... What da fuck?

"Cher, everything ok?" he asked, I just nodded.

"Well that explains the stench, be careful of who you hang out with," the girl mumbled and walked off.

"She really needs to learn what a secret is," Will sighed. I gave him a confused look, did she know what he was? "Jack, my brother, was her boyfriend before she turned, he was in love. For a vampire you only ever truly fall in love once." He sighed.

"Turned? And why did the break up? Wait they did break up right?" I blurted out.

"Yes they did," he chuckled. "Urm well... she's a shape shifter. She turns into a wolf, its a defence tactic. A random genetic thing. Anyways when she turned she could smell us, the thing is shape shifters are made to fight against us. So the relationship didn't work, now she just can't keep her mouth shut." He looked down at his feet.

"Oh. Urm Will why are you telling me this?" I asked, it was nice to be trusted but still...

"I don't know Cher, I feel like I can trust you. The way I feel about you, it's like you're my younger sister." I nodded, he hardly knew me but it was like me and Becky, the way we had instantly become friends.

"Hey, a vampire brother how cool can you get?" I teased, he smirked.

"Catch you later baby sis." He winked and walked off. Well this party was like a confusing sitcom, huh? Strange.

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