Part 7

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Ok so I was kinda confused? You too? These are the things I need to figure out:

1) How does Alec know the Dark Side gang?

2) Why has Alec turned into a total dick?

3) Why do Alec and Ronan look so similar?

4) What does Ronan have in store for me?

5) What are they? I ask this question because they said they knew where I was going without asking Becky, and trust me they were out of earshot. Also because they said they could smell me?

6) Why did Alec look at me suspiciously earlier?

7) Finally why were they pissed that I was looking at them?

"Hello? You're totally spaced out again?" I looked up to see Becky standing next to me. When did she get here?

"Oh um hi?" I offered she looked at me curiously.

"So what did they want? Or did you hide from them? You do realise we have our next lesson with them right?" Wait what? Oh yeah, our only lesson I have with them Physical Education. Damn it! They never knew me before because I never stood out, I wore dull clothes, was never chosen for team captain and am actually ok at sports so I don't get into accidents and make a fool of my self. 

"Er right... um well I may have made them a little bit angry…" I trailed off.


I told her out whole conversation ever little detail, and when I finished guess what she did? She hit me on the back of my head!

"Ouch! What was that for? No need to get violent," I muttered rubbing my head, damn did it hurt like hell.

We walked into the changing rooms, I pulled on my grey trackie shorts and my tight blue vest top. I then pulled on my black plimsoles and tired my hair up into a high ponytail. "Are you going to answer me?" I finally asked when Becky was tying her hair up, she was wearing the same shorts as me but had a lose black top on and white trainers.

"Well, you deserved it, you basically made your self dead meat. If you survive the day I give you permission to hit me tomorrow." Oh it's on, I will not die today, I will get pay back! I grinned at her evilly and she laughed. We walked out to the sports hall we were ready way before the other girls so we just left them there.

"Well, isn't this a nice surprise, and damn don't you look sexy in those little shorts." Damn it! Why did I have to ready early the same day as Ronan and his gang?! 

"Calm your hormones babes you're going to make me hurl," Becky retorted, oh wow I have definitely chosen a good friend.

"What was that sweetheart? Don't worry you look hot too," Alec told her with a wink. Ok so I think I'm going to be the one to hurl actually! I looked at what they were wearing, trackie bottoms and black west shirts showing off there 6 packs, wait did Ronan have a 8 packs?! Oh shit, why do jerks have to be so hot?! 

"I believe your meant to take all jewellery off." Huh? Oh it was Becky, what did she mean? Then I noticed it on all of the boys they had a ring on their middle finger on their left hand.

"Tut tut girls, I thought you would have learnt that by now ladies," I told them with a wink. All of them looked pissed except the Dometi twins, they just looked at each other and laughed. Becky was forcing her self to have a serious face on. 

"Do we look like we care?" Will asked. Well, he and Jack didn't but the others did. But I just smirked and went to sit on the bench, Becky followed me.

"Hey, Bec's I actually can't be bothered with the rest of the day, what do you say we go to the mall?" I asked, it was more to show those idiots that they're not the only one that do what they want.

"Sure, we can take my car," she said brightly, we walked back to the changing rooms, changed and grabbed our stuff, not even looking to see the boys expressions.

We walked to the car park and we got in her car, a cute Mini Cooper, personally I was all for getting a motorbike or a sports car and it kinda surprised me, she didn't seem like the mini lover type.

"A mini?" I asked, she laughed.

"It's my mums, my baby is getting a repaint, it was white but I'm getting it hot pink, it's a Honda S2000." She laughed, a hot pink car cool, a hot pink motorbike? Gimmie! I grinned as we got in. I told her my address so we went there first I dumped my bag and got my dads spare debit card, what? He said if I ever decided to get a car I could buy it with this card. So it's not stealing duh. Then I grabbed my purse I still had 320 quid left. I checked my hair and my clothes then left. 


A/N: Ok so my best friend is bugging me for the next load of chapters as I have done up to like part 17, so here you are... xx 

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