Part 29

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I leap up from the floor, my heart thudding. What is Ronan doing here, he's emotional right now which isn't good. I fly down the stairs and fling round the kitchen door.

"Wha-" My heart stops. My legs go numb. Tears attack my face for the hundredth time this day. My eyes glued on my mothers body lying in Ronan's arms.

"Honey I'm home!" dad's cheerful voice comes from the front door. My head flips round to see him entering the kitchen. My heart breaks into small pieces as his body hits the ground. Ruby red blood drips from Ronan's lips. I glance between the two lifeless bodies on the kitchen floor.

"Guess turning it off really does work huh?" Ronan smirks licking his lips. His tongue removing my only family's blood off of his lips and into his mouth.

"Why?" My eyes glistening with tears.

"You caused me pain baby, so I turned off the emotions. Turns out I still had a lust for revenge. You hurt me I hurt you... we're even."

"Ronan get out of this house, if I ever see you again I will show you what is even," I choke out, my voice hoarse. How could he kill them? I broke his heart why did that mean murder?

"Murder the ultimate crime of passion." And he was gone. Just like that. I don't care about the curse, I don't care if the Dark Sider's were nice to me and let me live, I don't care that I was falling in love with Alec. Vampires are genetically the same. They were made to kill. I will kill Ronan Carleson if it's the last thing I do.


A/N: And its.... FINISHED! :O 

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