Chapter 12: First deployment.

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The Scene opens up in a Beach located in Mistral and the area is heavily fortified. Then when the ramp dropped, this happens.


Many of the soldiers are gunned down as one falls on Ruby and his head is gone.


Ruby goes over the sides and is picked up by Daniels.


A Soldier is seen and he is on fire, then he lands onto the sea water, then they take cover by an Anti-Tank Trap.

Daniels: *does the sign of the cross* This is what you've trained for, NOW PICK UP THAT BANGER!

Yang opens fire with an M1919A6 and Weiss fires her Thompson as Blake fires her M1A1 Carbine.

Ren: Daniels! What are we supposed to do!?

Daniels: Just get to the seawall!

They take cover by using the Shermans, and the Tank Traps. Some soldiers are gunned down and they make it to the Seawall. And Ruby uses the Bangalore.


It explodes and they move to the trenches and kill the enemies and move to clear the bunkers.


The ship batteries open fire and destroy the bunkers and then two enemies get killed by Pyrrha with her M1 Garand. Then they all clear the bunkers and save a Soldier from getting killed, they clear another as a flamethrower operator burns the enemy but is killed, and Weiss clears the bunker with her Thompson. They clear a bunker with two MGs and they Kill a mortar crew in the second bunker after clearing the one where the Flamer was. Then Zussman tells Team RWBY this.

Zussman: Blake, Yang, you two clear the last bunker and for f**k's sake, don't get killed.

They approach the bunker as they kill the remaining ones and Yang gets attacked but Blake shoots the enemy.

Blake: Are you good?

Yang: Yeah, I'm fine. We should regroup with 1st Platoon.

They make it and they are Tasked to destroy an Artillery battery, then another Machine Gun opens fire and kills two Soldiers, until Ruby kills the enemy Gunner and they quickly destroy the Artillery and rush back to the rest of 1st Platoon.

Daniels: Good job, let's rest up and have some chow, you all earned it.

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