Chapter 16: Crossing to Mistral.

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The Scene opens up with Team RWBY, and JNPR inside a truck and they're headed for the last bridge to get to Mistral.

Turner: Alright, there she is! The last bridge to get to Mistral.

Pierson: When we cross the bridge, we're going straight to central Mistral.

Jaune: Get ready soldiers!

Turner reached to the rank of Major, and Pierson is Captain, while Daniels is a 1st Lieutenant, and Zussman is on the rank of Sergeant First Class. British Army Soldiers are with them, and when they were about to enter, they were shot at and then one of the shermans are destroyed, then they all see that White Fang are trying to keep them off the bridge.


Every single soldier gets off the truck and one of them gets killed, they keep moving and clear the bridge, but the WF Stukas, which were stolen from convoys, bomb the bridge, but it wouldn't collapse, and instead, the German Luftwaffe ME-262 Fighters shoot the enemy bombers down. With the Remaining Forces killing the enemies as American Flamethrower operators burn the enemies and they come out screaming and the troops just don't shoot them and just let them burn.

Blake: *Quietly* I'm sorry, brothers.

The last remaining enemies Surrender and they are taken prisoner by the British. The Americans meanwhile are executing any of the enemies trying to grab a gun. One of them foolishly tries to grab his weapon but is executed by Daniels, who used an M1911, instead of the Enfield Revolver.

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