Chapter 18

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When Chifuyu and the twins left, Takemichi’s expression changed. “What the fuck is this, Kakucho?”

“You’ve changed a lot” Kakucho sweetly said. Not concerned by the enraged presence of Takemichi. “I’ve heard rumors about you. You’re in Toman now”

“Answer my fucking question” Takemichi demanded. No time for sweet reunions cause wtf is this shit.

“We built our dream kingdom, Takemichi” Suddenly, a familiar voice emerged. Tan skin, purple eyes with white hair…a face he could wish to meet anywhere else but there.

“Izana” Takemichi looked at the mentioned boy with a somewhat irritated expression.

“Takemichi…how long has it been? I miss you soooo much babe” Izana approached Takemichi closely and eventually took his hands.

“I didn't expect this to be how our reunion would look like” Takemichi stated and Izana giggled.

“Come with me” Izana began dragging Takemichi to a room. Takemichi didn’t care though, he knew Izana’s not gonna hurt him so he just went with him, but of course he invited Kakucho in too.

It seems like someone shitty is waiting for them in that room and Takemichi was disgusted by the feelings he had for the boy before. “What are you doing here, Kisaki”

“He’s our ally, Takemichi! He helped me find you!” Takemichi couldn't believe what he had just heard. Izana is cold, blunt and smart, he is not the kind of person who would let a new person in just like that.

Kisaki faces Takemichi and gives him a warm smile. That “warm” smile added chills to the heavy atmosphere the room has. It creeps him out — Everyone in this room seems to be striving to have the possession on something (or someone) they wanted for a long time now.

“Sit here, Takemichi-kun” Takemichi glared at that but still sat anyway.

“What do you want from me, Izana?”

Izana then kneeled in front of Takemichi. “I want you to be with me again…to lead our kingdom together” Izana’s face began morphing into a serious one. “Why did you leave us?...I thought we’re gonna conquer Japan together” Takemichi decided to ignore the dark look he was getting from Izana, trying to act nonchalant and unbothered.

“Are you in Toman now because of him?” Takemichi is not sure who the hell that ‘him’ is so he ended up just staring at Izana’s darkened expression. “Is pretending to be like Shin has gotten into you so much that you’d rather pick that bastard instead of me?!” In Takemichi’s fear, Izana smiled. A smile that sent chills into his spine.

Izana let out a heavy sigh when he didn’t receive any answers coming from Takemichi. He nods at Kisaki before dragging Kakucho out of the room with no expressions at all.

“You lying piece of shit” Takemichi stated with full hatred. He can’t believe he used to have a crush on this bastard. “You betrayed us. You betrayed me, you shit.”

“You’re finally letting your true colors out” Takemichi can’t comprehend why Kisaki seems to be so annoying all of a sudden. Takemichi wanted to spit on him so bad.

“Isn’t my plan great?” Takemichi stares at Kisaki, clearly confused. “Those gang fights…Moebius…Valhalla…Black Dragons are just my stepping stones into getting what I want.”

Takemichi stood up to grab Kisaki’s collar who seemed to be unfazed.

“A lot of people were hurt and some almost died, you fuckface.”

“Oh why are you always acting so nice? When the truth is…you’re far more worse than I am” Kisaki smirks at Takemichi’s face. Enjoying the annoyed face of his lover.

“I am not.” Takemichi’s gritting his teeth in annoyance. Why does Kisaki sounds like the voices. He fucking hates it.

“You’re always acting like the victim in every damn situation that you created memories that are far from the truth” Takemichi was left speechless. Kisaki feels power when Takemichi’s irritated expression dropped, he just knows shit is about to go down.

Takemichi was shaking and breathing heavily, Kisaki and the voices is making him wanna rip off his head.

“Takemichi…you clearly erased the memories of what really happened that night, didn’t you? The night your parents were killed…did your dad…really killed himself?” Takemichi’s heart was pounding in his chest, beating in his cage in an endless fury as he lost grip on Kisaki’s collar.

Takemichi…you killed him.

“You damn bitch…you’re seeing him again…STOP LYING SHITS IN MY FACE!” Takemichi was awakened by the shouts of his parents. He went down with scissors with him to hide at the stairs and saw a grimace look settled on both of his parent’s faces.

“I’m not lying! Don’t shout, it’ll wake the neighbors!”

“Why?! Are you afraid for them to know your cheating ass?! I thought we were over this?! Why are you abandoning us again?!” Takemichi’s blood runs cold at those words.

Suddenly, his father grabbed a knife and started pointing it at his mother. “Put the knife down…we can settle this in a calm way” His mother shakily begged, trying to calm his father down, but it’s not doing anything better.

Abruptly, a blood curdling scream ripped through the cold night. He was trembling and his ears were ringing as he watched his mother’s body get stabbed repeatedly while her body was still conscious. 

The man he used to look up to was stabbing his mother’s now unrecognizable face. All he could think of was how did things turned out this way. They were always happy and a loving family. That’s when he realized nothing is permanent…happiness is just temporary.

He cautiously walked closer to his father while his father who was now busy murmuring about something.

Takemichi is compulsively shaking as his mother’s blood coated through his flesh.

“Takemichi?...” He turned around to see his father crying while carrying the knife that had his mother’s blood in it. “I’m so sorry son…” Takemichi’s father knelt down and released the knife to get a hold of Takemichi’s shoulder while he cries in guilt.

Takemichi was unable to utter a single word and tears were not even leaving his eyes. He looks at his father with hatred.

All of a sudden his father’s blood splattered on his face…His father was killed by him. The scissors he brought earlier were now stabbing through his father’s body until it was unrecognizable.

He then went to the phone and called. “M-my parents…they’re”

“They’re dead.”


Takemichi’s knees became numb. He fell down while his memories came flashing back into his head. His eyes are wide open, his sweats are cold, and his hands are shaking.

Kisaki stares down at Takemichi with an evil grin plastered on his face. He knelt down to embrace Takemichi’s shaking body and brushed his hands through Takemichi’s hair.

“Shhh..I’m always here for you. I’m the only one who can understand you. I can embrace that dark side of yours. I won’t blame you and I will always be the one who’s with you through your lows.”

"We will always be together, my love.”

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