Moon, Sky and Lexi

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Its a huge age gap. Incest. If you are not comfortable, drop it right here.


Moon was busy in conference with his board of directors. He was the CEO of the Kreepolrerk empire with Sky as his COO. The most compinent of the 4 kids. Since Lexi was too young to be nominated.

Marky had set up his own workplace with his friends and he had step down for the option to be working in Kreepolrerk industries. Not that he didnt want, but he found his elder brothers most deserving. So did Scarlet. She was married and running her own bakery.

Tae and Mew were really proud of their kids, grown up so fine men. Moon was the epitome of handsome and sex appeal oozing as how he would talk or walk. He handled the clients with so much efficiency and professionalism, being trained by Tae's best board members. While Sky was said to be the penty rapper. He was said to wet every girl in the floor with just one wink. A total opposite to his brother Moon, as he was labelled as the cold prince. Not to mention, still he had a huge fan following.

He was planning to extend the premises to  hold a couple more employees in the company, hence the conference to decide and plan the budget. They were really in a heated arguments when the door burst open. Moon was about to bark the person who dare interuppt but his scowl turned frown when he saw Lexi, his baby, ran to him, snifling and crying hard. He was 16. A kid to him and Sky as they both had literally raised him. Moon was around 38 but he never thought of getting married no matter how many times Tae asked him too. Sky didnt either. Marky was happy with his girlfriend and Scarlet was married. But the elders were too busy with the business and pampering their boy, that they forgot themself.

Mew would often get worried about Lexi being so close to Moon and Sky but they never gave a word about it. They were happy with their bundle of joy that they grew over protective and over possessive about him every passing moment.

"Out"..... He barked to his BoDs and kept whispering to Lexi until his crying turned sobs still he didnt leave his lap. He was 3 hours earlier today and it worried him so much. Moon turned to Sky but he shrugged his shoulders in frustration too that Lexi had not said a word to him through out the ride to office.

"Lexi. Xan. Baby what is it? Wont you tell Pa"? Moon asked him in his utterly love filled voice, especially for his baby. Lexi had started to call him Pa since he started speaking. He was trying to call him Phi but instead blabbered Pa and it was Pa since then.

"Pa.. I...". He was hiccuping again.

"Lexi. I wont help if you wont tell us love". Sky dragged his chair too. He wiped his face and removed the hair stuck at his face.

"I. Today... I..."..

"Did you get your periods"? Moon asked him in concern but Lexi kept crying. Lexi was different among all. He was special. Mew was freaked when Lexi had his first periods.  Not disgusted but worried as how people would see him. The doctor told it was normal and it was okay to be special. And it took lots of coaxing from Moon and Sky to take a trembling, terrified Lexi to come out of his corner.

They got so close to him in that tough period at the age of 12 that Lexi would always run to them if he had any problem with his body. They would prepare hot baths, chocolates, candies and everything to keep him at ease. But today may be something happened that disturbed him so much.

"Kiddo. What is it"? Moon cupped his face in his big hands. Rubbing the pad of his thumb over his bread cheeks.

"I didnt bring kit with me.. And..". He said between sobs and hiccups.

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