Chapter 19. Changes

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The Changes

The sixth month was as smooth as his previous months. He would eat, study, relax, a walk in the gardens. Sometimes he would call Tae to bring Strawberry for him that Tae would be more than delighted to do that finally his baby was craving for some food. Even if it was normal.

Mew had cleared his subjects that he chose to study at home with flying grades and his friends and family were so encouraging and happy with him. But yes, he would miss Tae so much. Adjusting to new workplace he would not disturb him. Only when Tae would call him in his lunch hours to stay together while having lunch at their places.

Sometimes Mew would be sleeping when Tae had to leave in the morning. Sometimes he would come home soon to spend time with him. He would take him to park on weekends for the change of place. In the beginning, Mew refused to go out as he was conscious of the people. The stares. The glances. The whispers. And he would not have, only if Tae had not talked to him. And yes Tae was right. Why should he be nervous or feel odd? And what if people ask about his baby once the baby is born? What would he tell his baby. He cant hide his child for ever. So with the thought he agreed to it.

The first day was hell. He would admit it. Everyone was glancing at him, laughing at him. Mocking him. That he was almost crying. But then it was his family. His friends who were like his family. They made sure to pry every pest from him. He still remember the way Tae protected him and shut everyone. And yes there were people who were smiling encouraging him. The ladies who came to him to talk, to know the experience. To know the feelings. Sharing tips of healthy diet. Even their were children who were excited to see him. To touch his belly that Mew nodded as a yes. So yes, as he was spending time he was getting used to being surrounded by positive energy. Tae was finally relieved when he saw Mew relaxing and accepting to go out.

It was Friday noon.  Tae had told Mew that he would be home by 5.30 in the evening. No late night tasks. And here Thanitt and Tee were teasing him getting ready and waiting on the door since 5pm like a loyal Wifey. Mew tried hard to get mad but ended up blushing. The reason, becuase it was after two weeks that Tae was getting home on time and not late. He took a refreshing bath. Wore the shirt Tae especially bought for him with sweats. He wore Tae's favorite perfume too. A subtle hint.

He heard the cars entering the drive way when he opened the door and stood in the frame. His eyes were shining with joy and happiness. August saw him standing in the door and chuckled to see Tae sitting in the back seat. How he wanted to run to Mew and scoop him up. Well he did the first thing he step out of the car. He rushed to hug Mew tight pulling him in his arms.

"Get a side will you both". Max pushed them a bit aside to enter their home. They all chuckled looking at both of them still savouring each other in the doorway.

Mew had cooked dinner with the help of Thanitt and Tee. Tasty as ever.

"Phi. Am scheduled for appointment tomorrow. Its sixth month. Shall i ask the doctor about the gender? Would be easy to go shopping. Moms were asking too". Mew said munching on the apple. They were all sitting in the lounge.

"I think its a good idea". Tul chirped in. "But yes only if you guys want it". He added. Tae was in thoughts. Mew was right. It would be easy if they go to early shopping that way they would have time to arrange everything before time.

"Okay. We will ask the doctor". He kissed Mew's temple. They all suddenly started planning for shoppings and decorations and Mew was laughing happily.


"Ready to see hows the baby doing"? The doctor made him lay down on the couch holding the gel bottle.

"Yes. Umm Doctor we want to know about the baby. A boy or a girl"? Tae asked holding Mew's hands. The doctor smiled and nodded.

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