Chapter 11:Discovered Truth

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"Mei...! MEI!"


As I opened my eyes, I saw Shito in front of me. My friends were also there, all of them looked very worried.

"What are you doing? You could have died out there!" Shito shouted.

"Sorry everyone." I sincerely apologized.

They were all so concern about me. I felt really anxious because of it. My legs still hurts from all that paddling. And my breathing isn't normal yet. Looking at them, I noticed that Saito was not with them. I wonder where he went?

" you guys know where Saito is?"

"Oh! He already left a while ago."

"I see..."

My friends told me that I looked really pale. Realizing what they're saying, I felt my body losing its balance. I felt dizzy and Shito caught me from falling. Because of that, we all ended up canceling the trip. This is such a wrong timing, and it's all my fault for ruining this day.


We went home and ate dinner afterwards. Shito was really quiet, and he's completely staring at me. It's totally creeping me out.

"Mei..." He suddenly spoke.

"Y-yes! What?"

Before he could speak, my phone suddenly rang. It was Saito.


"Mei how are you feeling?" He asked. So he's also concerned about me after all. That made me glad somehow.

"I'm already fine, don't worry." I replied.

Speaking of being fine, my friends told me that Saito was the one who rescued me from drowning. I need to show him my gratitude.

"And by the way, t-thanks for rescuing me."

"Well I'm always rescuing you since we were sma---"

Realizing what he just said, I widened my eyes.



"So...the person who rescued me from being hit by that car was you?"


After that, I told her all about it starting from when we've became best friends. When we were little, we used to go to the park together and play everyday. We would also eat snacks at school together even though we're both in a different section. Day after day, we are together. And I've come to like her since then.

"L-like! Me?"

"It's in the past, so don't misunderstand things."

Until one day...She decided to tell her mom about me. I told her to do it next time but she didn't listen. I walked her home then...


She was nearly killed by that car, I'm really glad that I've rescued her just in time. But she got injured the most. I did my best to carry her at the hospital. And she recovered by then.

One day, I decided to visit her but I found out that she was not there anymore. The doctor said that she was already discharged from the hospital. I went to their house but she was not there either. Their neighbors told me that they moved on to a new place. After that, I didn't see her again.

Years have passed and she came back. I found her at my new school. I got transferred there and I can't believe that I would have a chance to meet her again. But it seems that she don't remember me anymore. That's why I kept quiet and before I knew it, I began acting cold towards her.



I saw Shito standing at the corner of the room. He's eavesdropping the whole time.
Geez! He needs to respect other's privacy!

"That's him right? I'm begging you...please stop being friends with him." Shito said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just STOP! When you're with him, you always get in trouble! If something happens to you... I will..."

He began raising his voice. I got annoyed by it of course. He always boss me around, I'm not a kid anymore. And what he just said came out of nowhere! I've became inquisitive of his demeanor as a result.

"WHY?! Why are you so mad at him to the point that you don't want me to see him anymore?! And why do you always keep me away from him?!" I snapped.

"Don't you get it?! Are you really that dense?! It's obviously because I LIKE YOU!"

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