Chapter 6:A Gift From Me

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I knew it. I'm being such a bother. I do nothing but cause trouble and I know that. I'm trying my best to do better.

But, this reminds me...

Saito explained everything to Shito and he was shocked as expected. After that, Saito left immediately. Then Shito started to scold me. It was like parents scolding their child for behaving noisily.

"I shouldn't have left you alone, you can't do things without me." He said.

"But I'm okay, Saito was with me and he even brought me back here safely."

"You can't do that again, your mom will be very angry."

He started talking loudly with an irritated face. I know that it's really my fault but I can also protect myself. I don't want to borrow anyone's strength just to save my life. Today was unexpected, I'll be more alert next time.

"I already told you that I'm okay...geez!" I started to raise my voice out of irritation.

"So you're saying that Saito is more suitable to protect you than me?!" He says angrily.

"No! I never said that! Is that what you say to me after I've been saved?! You should just be releived and happy that I got back safe and sound!" I ran up to my bedroom after I yelled at him out of anger. What's his problem?

Can't he give me a break, I just did that to buy him a present. I never even expected something like that to happen. Wait... I forgot to give him the present. I need to give it to him before this day ends. I have to wait a while to let us both cool off.

We were both having dinner and I took my chance to give it to him at last.

"Shito... Happy Birthday! And I'm sorry about before. I shouldn't have yelled. I knew you were just worried about me. Thank you." I said as I handed him the present.

He had a shocking expression on his face. I started to feel uncomfortable all of a sudden. Of course anyone would feel awkward about giving a present after a fight.

"Uhh.. thanks." He said. Why is his face so red? Does he have a fever?

"Are you okay?" I asked as I leaned closer to get a better look on his face. He just turned away instead.

"Umm, uh... yes, of course!" He covers up his flushed face with the box.

Before I knew it, there was already an awkward atmosphere around us and I hate it. But I'm actually happy that I was able to give him the present after all the trouble. I'll never forget this day. I slept comfortably that night without any regrets. One more thing that I'm happy about is, we made up that quickly after a quarell.


"Mei! Come on, we will be late for school!" Shito shouted. I carried my bag and hurried down stairs. I really don't like Mondays, teachers tend to give lots of home works and projects. Even on a weekend, we have so much to do.

Shito's face looked very red and I wonder if he really does have a cold or something.

"Shito...are you really feeling okay?" I asked him.

"Please don't ask me the same question again, I told you yesterday that I'm okay." he replied.

After that there was a moment of silence, then suddenly... he collapsed.

"Shito!...Shito! Help! Anyone!?" I panicked and asked help from people who passed by. Some of our neighbors helped us, they carried him inside the house.

I don't know what to do, I tried to call the hospital but no one answered. I was looking at my phone and I saw Saito's number. I had no choice but to call him.

I swallowed my pride and started to call him without hesitating. "Ring...ring"

"Hello?, Sagara residence" a familiar voice answered my call.

"Uhhm!... Is Saito there?" I asked.

"Mei? what do you want?" he replied.

"Saito!... Shito suddenly collapsed and I don't know what to do!" I was crying helplessly.

"Why me?" He asked, his voice sounding deeply low.

"Be...because you're the only one who can help me, I tried to call the hospital but no one answered same goes for my friends, please help me..."

"Ok, I'll try to go there." He hung up the phone after that.

I placed my hand on his forehead and it felt quite hot. This is terrible, he should've just stayed in bed. For now, all I can do is provide him a wet towel and put it on his head.


"Mei! where are you going?"

"I want to pick those flowers over there." I replied while pointing at the flowers nearby.

"No!" he said, "Those flowers have life too, and they can also feel pain. You can't take an innocent life away. They are very fragile, so you need to protect them instead."

"Sorry..." I apologized. I wonder, who he is. My memories are really blurry and I can't recall much.

Deep down inside, I really want to meet him again. There is always a gap within my heart that I can't fill in, a darkness that I can't enlighten, a sadness that I can't extinguish.


I carefully carried Shito to his room and sit beside him hoping that he would wake up.

I heard someone knocking at the door and when I opened it, it was Saito.

The moment I saw him, I felt relieved. I also felt sorry for the fact that he would come here instead of school. His mother would scold him for this. I should apologize to them.

I can't help it, my parents are not here that's why I'm so afraid whenever I'm alone.

Seeing Saito here now makes me feel better and it's safe to say that Shito will be fine now. My tears stopped flowing.

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