Chapter 9:Ready For Summer!

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The season of watermelons is approaching! Frozen treats like ice creams always does the trick when you feel warmer than usual.

"Mei!" my friends suddenly approached me from behind.

"Woah! Don't scare me like that, what's with the hurry?"

"Since the final exams are already over, why don't we plan about what we're going to do on summer? But to be sure... do you have plans with your family?"

"No, we don't really have any plans."

"Great! Then let's go!"

Okay! First of all, my parents are not even here to begin with. Also, Shito might have already made plans with his friends. I don't see any reasons for me not to join them anyway. I wonder what mom and dad are doing right now, I wish they'd come home soon. I really miss them, it would be great to have them here.

I'm really lonely at home, Shito always scold me. He gets angry easily, I don't understand him at all. Sometimes, I just want to lock myself in my room.

We went to a nearby restaurant to discuss about It, All of us ordered our own drinks and began the conversation afterwards.

"So, any suggestions?" Azami asks.

"How about we all go bowling?" I said.

"Yes, that's a great idea Mei! But what do we do after that? It's gonna be a long day."

"Why don't we go to the beach?!" Chiyo replied.

We all smiled at her and it was finally settled. I wonder what swimsuit should I wear?
I can just put a t-shirt on top of it when I'm not in the water. It's not like my skin is dry or anything, it's just that I don't want it to be revealing. I get really conscious if I'm wearing something like that.

"Bye!" my friends waved goodbye to me as we parted.

"I'm home!"

Where could Shito be? Never mind, at least I went home early. He has no reasons to scold me today, hehe...

I immediately locked myself in my room and watched TV. I don't have to worry about dinner, I already bought some food in that restaurant we went to. Their food looked very delicious and I can't wait to dig in. Since we just ordered drinks, it made me a little bit hungry.

I'm currently watching my favorite show while doing my homework. It was about a girl who travelled the magical land with her friends to find the missing pieces of the book they are holding, they think that it was the key to get them back to their own world. It was really interesting, maybe it was because I like adventures so much.

I heard the sound of the doorbell and I'm sure that it is Shito, geez! It's already late and I'm really hungry.

"Shito!" I shouted at him.


"It's already 8 pm! What did you do this late at night?" I asked.

"Sorry, my friends asked me to join them at the mall." he replied.

"Eh?! We were at the mall too!" I said with a shocked look.

"Yup, I saw you and your friends earlier. I didn't bother to disturb you because you guys looked very happy, did something happened?" He asked me with a puzzled look.

"Not really, we just discussed about our incoming activities this summer."

Since my friends wants to invite a lot, I told him about our plans. Then I asked him if he wants to join us and he was okay with it. I thought that he would decline at first, because I know that he's also busy with his friends.

I wonder if Saito would come... never mind! It's not like I want to see him or anything. But if he does, I would like to challenge him! I don't want to lose to him anymore. Yes that's it! I just wanted to prove him that I'm not that weak! It's summer now but I'm still worrying so much about him!

"Mei? Are you okay?" Shito asked when he saw my irritation.

"Uhhm! Yes of course! let's just eat."

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