Chapter 1:The Transferred Student

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When I was at a young age, I met someone. He rescued me from being hit by a car. I suddenly became unconscious and the next thing I knew, I was already at the hospital with my mom. I have became quite inquisitive about the accident, I want to know who he is and what happened to him after that. I decided to find him as I grow up, I want to thank him for rescuing me but that intention slowly faded away as I concentrate on my studies.

5 years had passed.....I'm already 14 years old. I got enrolled in a private school as a scholar. I was always at the top of our class since then. I am currently living with my cousin "Shito". My parents are away for some reasons and I depended on him since then. But I don't like his attitudes sometimes, he always play pranks to scare me.

But he's almost like my mother, he scolds me very often. But I'm happy because he always cheers me up.

"Mei! we will be late for school you idiot!"

"Yes I'm coming Shito, geez why can't you be more considerate." I replied.

"I don't need to be considerate to clumsy girls *sigh why do girls take forever to be dressed."

"Hey! It's not that long you know, and why don't you just stop talking and let's hurry up to school."

Thankfully we arrived on time for the assembly, then we went straight to the classroom after that. When the teacher walked in, there was someone with him.

"Class, I'll be introducing a new student this year, his' name is Saito and he will be joining us starting today so be kind to him."

"Yes ma'am!!" my classmates said with excitement. Well I agree that he's charming but there's something about him that I'm starting to feel uncomfortable all of a sudden.

During our PE time, I saw him with the boys, practicing basketball. He always get scores easily, and the girls admired him for that. I'm surprised when he was also good in academics. I got irritated because of it honestly. But I don't want him to take my rank away, I've been studying very hard just to make my parents proud even though they're not here. I don't know why I feel uncomfortable around him, but it doesn't matter, I just need to work more harder for my goals.

Back in the classroom, our teacher told us about the new sitting arrangements. And guess who's my sitmate, yes! It's him alright. How can this day be more surprising. This can't be called coincidence. When he sat next to me, I felt more uncomfortable. Then he started talking.

"Hey you, move a little bit to the right." He said to me bluntly.

"I have a name and it's Mei hmpp!......"

"I don't care, just move."

I started to move, but wait WHAT!, what's with his' attitude. He is even more worst than Shito. I decided to keep my mouth shut, not that I'm afraid of him, it's just that I don't want to be involved with him. I was already ok with him just being my sitmate but when the teacher stepped in, and told us about the new project that we're going to do, she told that this should be done by pairs. And speaking of pairs, he told us that our sitmates will be our partner! How could this day be even more worst than ever.

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