❤️MY LIFELINE - 3 ❤️

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Monami was nervous to enter as she already was sure that he will reject her

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Monami was nervous to enter as she already was sure that he will reject her. She was thinking to do her best when her file fall down and she carefully bend with her dress.

Karan saw the girl in deep thinking when her file fall down. He surely saw her careful with her dress but past and the last experience enraged him.

Sir this is my file.
Monami Mahajan.
MBA from xyz college.
I am yet to complete my internship.

Karan read her file but shocked to see her a university topper. But the shocking part is she left her internship when there was 2 months left for internship and college to complete.

So Miss Mahajan your grades suprised me that being top three in each semester you left your job before completing your internship. There is no negative marking in your grades that means you surely didn't do any mistakes that they will expel you asked karan.

Sir that was my personal reasons said monami.

Karan was impressed with her but previous experiences and last encounters were in his mind.
She is just like other girls who throw themselves on me. She surely did in her last job when they expel her and she must have begged to not mark her negative thought karan.

Karan asked many theoretical and practical questions in scary ride and arrogant tone but she answered in polite way.

Many times he asked her to be sure in her answers but she was confident with her answers.

He surely was impressed with her.

So Miss Mahajan let's talk and sort some important  points.

As you know, I want perfection in my work. So if u do any kind of mistake then u have to bear with my warth said karan.

Sir mistakes are done by human. I am also a  human definitely not perfect. I will also make mistakes but surely I will not repeat them. I will try to do everything as good as possible said monami.

Karan expected her to say that she will not make any mistake but she didn't.

Ok. So next is three things
I don't want you to be late. Sometimes is ok, I understand but regularly or mostly, i will not tolerate.
I don't want you to keep the work delay or late
You will finish your work at given time.
If i will make any mistake, u will not point out.
Got it asked karan.

Sorry sir first two things. I agree but third one is not something that I can do.
If u do anything wrong. I will surely point out. May be not infront of clients but ya I will surely keep my pov with my boss. If not then that will be cheating with you. you hired a personal assistant not a robot and even if u want, I can't be that said monami.

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