Chapter 13

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     I look up from my mirror and see Mono stating at the far end of the room. The door is open and he has his coat tied around his leg. I shuffle towards him.


     He looks up at me and smiles. "I found you." I raise my hand and gently pat him on the head.

Good job.

     He looks around the room and walks towards the end I was at. He picks up something and looks at it. He walks over to me and sits down. He has scissors in his hand, the exact same pair that morphed into my mirror. This seems like it's important. I point to the scissors and then to my mirror.

They're the same.

     He looks up at me sadly. "Are you sure?" I nod my head. He stands up and holds the scissors above his head. "LET MY FRIEND GO!" To my shock he slams the scissors into my mirror. The scissors break and my mirror cracks, sending me into the wall with a shock wave. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I scream at Mono. He runs away from me and I chase after him, enraged that he would crack my mirror.

     "JAY, YOU TOLD ME TO!" He screams as he teleports through a door. I follow him and scream in anger as he jumps through a vent in a wall. I bust throught the wall and search the room, not finding him anywhere. I leave the room and go to a big room farther away. I look at my mirror and see some cracks in it. I hear a crashing sound but I don't pay attention to it.

     "JAY!" I look up and see Mono holding an axe. "STOP IT!" I rush at him but he teleports through the door. I turn around just in time to see him heave the axe over his shoulder and into my mirror. Another explosion sends us both flying back. I rush over to my mirror but I don't see Mono anywhere.

     I stay beside my mirror, the cracks are bigger now. I stay close to it. "JAY!" I see Mono holding the axe again and I rush at him, he teleports away and I reach through the door towards him. "OVER HERE!" I turn and see him in front of the door next to my mirror. I rush over and he telports away. I turn just as the second explosion hits.

     Mono dissapears and I look into my mirror. The image is distorted and the mirror is a spiderweb of cracks. "HEY!" I look up and see Mono in front of a telporting door. I rush over and he dissapears. "HEY!" I look over and see him with an axe in front of my mirror, I rush over and crush him. My hand passes right through him. "JAY!" I see Mono with an axe standing in front of a door right next to me. I rush over and he dissapears again. I turn around to see him slam the axe into my mirror. Another shock wave hits and I'm thrown into a wall.


     When I come too my mirror is in front of me and there's some glass missing from it. I pick it up and cradle it close. "JAY!" I cover my ears, dropping my mirror, and Mono slams the axe into it. More glass falls out and my body contorts. I reach for my mirror but Mono hits it with the axe again before I can grab it.

     My body returns to normal and I look up to see Mono laying on the ground next to the broken axe and mirror. I groan and sit up; a pink light envelops the room. Mono sits up and stands with some effort. I stand up and look at him, I push my hood back. He waves me over but I hear a sound to my right. I look over and a wall of flesh is there. The eyes on it look between us and the wall moves forward.

     I start running and jump over some stuff. I run on whatever path I can find and run through a doorway. I'm on a platform leading to a bridge which leads to a door on the other side. I start running across it, the ground in front of my breaks and I jump to the other side. "JAY!" I spin around and shoot out my hand, catching Mono just before he falls. I lay there looking down at him, fear is in his eyes.

I would- him...

     My thoughts are jumbled. I remember something about this area. "Jay! Please, pull me up!"

Don't do it. He's the reason you're in this mess.

     I look over my shoulder at the door and there's a dark figure standing in front of it. "Pull him up." I look down at Mono and he has tears falling out of his eyes. I grab his wrist with my other hand and pull him up. He stands in front of me, a smile resting his face.

     Another tears slips out of his eye and I brush it away. I turn towards the door and the dark figure walks towards me. As I look closer I see it's me. "Good job."  It leans forwards and hugs me, melting into my body as it does so. I suck in a breath and stumble forward. Mono catchs my arm and I turn towards him. "Thank you." "It wasn't a problem." I lurch forward and hug him. He's stiff for a second and then hugs me back. "Thank you for everything." I whisper. "You're welcome." I break away from the hug and Mono reaches into his pants pocket.

     He pulls out my phone and a note. "Oh... I forgot about that." He hands me both and smiles. "Read it later." I shove both into my hoodie pocket. He reaches towards me and I grab his hand. We face the door and walk through it together.


     There's a bright light shining into my eyes. I open them and see I'm standing in a field of grass and yellow flowers. I look around and see a boy with black hair and a brown coat sitting in the middle picking some flowers. I walk over to him. "Hello?" He looks up at me, it's Mono. He smiles and pats the ground in front of him.

     I sit with him. "Thank you." He says. "You freed me from that endless loop of betrayal and anger. I'm happy now." I smile at him. "I... I know what it's like, I wanted to help you. It's painful being betrayed."

     He picks a flower and puts it behind my ear. "Have a souvenir from me. Don't forget about that note." He picks another flower and places it behind his own ear. "I don't know where I'm heading, or where you're heading but we both are heading to a happy ending."

      Mono stands up and his coat blows in the soft breeze. "Mono, wait." I stand up and grab his arm. He turns to me and I pull my phone out of my pocket. "Can I take a picture with you?" He nods and I open my camera. I position it so we can take a picture together. I smile and he smiles too. I take the picture and put my phone back in my pocket.

     Mono waves at me and walks away into the distant horizon. I walk in my own direction and soon the world fades to white.


     I wake up in my bed, as if I never left. I check my pocket to my hoodie and find my phone. I pull it out and open the camera. I see my camera is on selfie mode and I see there's still the flower behind my ear. I take it out from behind my ear and set it down on my desk. I'll preserve it soon. I check my pictures and I find the picture of me and Mono. I save it to my drive that way I can't lose it forever.

     I check my pocket again and find a piece of paper.

"Don't forget about that note."

     I pull out the paper and unfold it.

Dear Jay

     I don't know if I will ever have the luxury to give you this note but I'm writing it anyway. I care about you greatly. You are my only friend in this messed up world. You sacrificed yourself to save me, which is the first time someone ever showed they cared. Thank you for saving me, thank you for caring, just thank you. You remind me so much of my sister, hell, maybe you're the renecarnation of her. Who knows. It doesn't matter right now, all that matters is you're my friend, and I care about you. Thank you for everything, Jay.

With Love,

     I smile at the note and take a picture of it. I save the picture to my drive like the other one and set the note with the flower. Wherever Mono is I hope he's happy. He helped me just like I helped him.

The End

Breaking The LoopOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora