Chapter Eight

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I scream as he tackles me to the ground. "GET OFF! GET OFF, I DON'T WANT YOU TO TOUCH ME! GET OFF OF ME, DAVE!" I scream. Mono scrambles off of me. "Jay! I'm sorry, I forgot! I just- did you call me Dave?" I'm shaking, I pull my hood over my face and start crying. "Jay?" I feel Mono's hand touch my shoulder and I whimper. "Jay... I um... what happened?"

I wipe my eyes and look at Mono. "I... I don't wanna talk about it..." I murmur. He scoots closer to me and opens his hand. He projects a rose. I look at it and watch as it morphs into a girl smiling and waving; it morphs into a rose again and wilts. Mono puts his hand down. "My sister... she... she didn't make it out with me. She was left behind in the school. The Bullies got her. They... they killed her."

I see a tear fall out of Mono's eye. I reach over and wipe it away. "I'm sorry, that must've been rough." He nods. "When... when I got taken I thought they were gonna kill me and then you would suffer just like me." He lays his head on his knees. "Jay, I don't wanna scare you or hurt you. When I scared you before it was because I was overjoyed with seeing you and wanted a hug.

"It was scary back there, and I just wanted some comfort. I forgot about your touching thing." I sigh and look at my sneakers, one is untied. I start tying it. "I'm sorry for screaming at you. While you were gone I had a nightmare about... someone. He wasn't too nice to me in the past and well... he's actually a main cause of the touching problem."

I finish tying my shoe and stare at the floor. Mono places a hand on my shoulder. "Do you wanna talk about what he did?" I shake my head vigorously. "No! It... it's too much right now!" Mono nods and stands up holding out his hand. "What was your sister's name? If you don't mind me asking." He pulls the battery out of the wall and I cover my ears.

When the alarm ends he turns to me, looking at the battery. "Her name was Rose." I smile at him. "Funny story, my middle name is Rosalio." He smiles. "Interesting, Jay Rosalio, very exotic." We walk out of the room and back into the main room. I grab the battery out of the slot and wince as the alarm peirces my ears.

We walk over to the battery slots that are side by side and we plug the batteries in.

I hear the elevator start up and we walk over to the lever. Mono lets me do the honor of calling the elevator. We walk into it and head towards are next destination.

The Doctor.

The elevator opens up to a dark hallway and me and Mono switch on our flashlights. I grab his hand and we walk down the creepy hallway. "Hey Mono." "Yeah?" "What exactly happened when you left?" I ask him as we turn the corner. "Well, I encountered mannequins that move when the lights are out. Lemme tell ya, with how many there were I was glad I had your flashlight. If I hadn't of had it I might've died.

"I had to spin around so fast I got dizzy. I spun around hitting them with the light so they would stop, I almost got caught!" We stop at a door with a cloth tied to it. Mono turns to me. "Can I borrow your flashlight?" I hand my phone to him. He adjusts it in his hand and spins around holding out the phone and his flashlight. I laugh, he looks like a human cop light.

He stops spinning a smiles at me. "It was very comical. I swear I heard the death mannequins laughing." I grab my phone still laughing when it turns to wheesing, I'm having trouble breathing. The wheesing turns to coughing and I fall to my knees. Mono drops his flashlight and runs over to me. "JAY?!" I put my hand to my chest and lean closer to the floor.

Mono pats my back as I continue to cough. Eventually the coughing dies down and I breath in. "What just happened?" He askes. "I live around smokers... apparently I inhaled too much smoke, so whenever I have trouble getting in full breaths I have a coughing fit." He looks at me concerned. "Are you ok?" I nod. He helps me stand and he goes over to his flashlight. He picks it up and shoves it into his pocket. We climb the rope and drop down on the other side.

I examine the room and I remember this area. The hands before the doctor. I grab Mono's hand, holding him back from going forward. "Mono, um... this place seems too easy. We need to be careful." He nods and we continue forward on guard.

Suddenly the door nearest to use gets hit by one of the hands. I run over to it and try to hold it shut while Mono picks up the pipe. The hand skitters out from under the mannequin pile towards Mono as I hold to other at bay. He hits it and it skitters away. He hits it a second time and it skitters away. Suddenly I get hit very hard by the other hand and I stumble away. I pull out my scissors as the hand busts down the door. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" I jump onto the hand and stab it over and over again.

I hear Mono hit the other hand for the third time. I keep stabbing the hand. "Jay, it's dead!" I stop stabbing it to see my own hands covered in blood along with the scissors. I drop the scissors and fall to my knees exhausted. Mono reaches over and grabs my hands. He wipes them off with his coat and does the same with the scissors. He holds them out towards me. I take my scissors and shove them into my pocket.

We go over to the door and pull off the boards blocking our path. We crawl through the opening and I see the shelves moving because of the Doctor.

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