Chapter One

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     I finish playing Little Nightmares Two and I sigh. "I don't understand why Six dropped Mono, I mean he saved her! And what does she do? She drops him and let's him turn into the person that takes her! If she just pulled him up maybe they could escape together!" I contemplate throwing my controller but instead I sit it down and grab my phone. "I woulda pulled him up." I mutter. I check the time on my phone and see it's late.

     I shove my phone back in pocket and sigh, closing my eyes ready for a rest. A sound from my tv catches my attention and open my eyes again. There's static. "Huh?" Curious I get up from my bed and go over to the tv. I touch my hand to the screen when a pale hand shoots out and grabs my waist; it pulls me through the tv.


     I groan as I wake up; I feel like a truck hit me. I open my eyes and I find myself in a room with a music box. There's drawings on the wall with chalk, I look around but there seems to be no way out. I look at the music box in front of me and I notice it's blue with an eye on it. I smile and start turning the handle. Music floats around the room and I'm soon lost in the melody. Suddenly there's a crashing sound and I scramble under the table behind me.

     The bottom of the door leading into my room breaks apart as a boy with a paper bag on his head busts through with an axe. He looks at me, drops the axe, and walks forward. He crouches down and holds out his hand. "Hi, I'm Mono."

     "Mono?" I whisper, suddenly I realize I'm in the game. I crawl out from under the table and take his hand instead of pushing him away like Six.

     "Hi, I'm Jay. Can I ask a question?" He nods. "Why do you wear the bag?" It's a question that keeps bothering me.

     "Oh, well I feel like the world hates me and wants me to fail, I'm also shy." He explains.

     "That's okay. I've always been shy." I tell him. "So, can we get out of here?"

     Mono nods and starts walking out of the room. I follow him up the stairs and into the hallway. I think I hear something in the kitchen and I press my ear against the door trying to hear better. "Jay, come on." Says Mono motioning with his hand.

     I jog over to him. "Sorry, I thought I heard something in there." He just shrugs and continues walking towards the dining room with the taxidermied family.

     We walk into the dining room and the family is sit at the table as if to have a nice dinner. I turn my attention back to Mono who has started climbing the shelfs on the cupboard to get to the vent out of here. I follow him and I let him go through the vent first. After he jumps down I jump and pull myself up into the vent. I see Mono standing at the bottom waiting for me. I hesitate for a minute seeing how far it really is.

     "Don't worry, Jay. It's an easy landing." Easy for him to say, he just traveled through a trap filled woods. I close my eyes and jump down. As I fall and I wonder how he does this so many times in the game. Suddenly I hit the floor and I open my eyes. Mono holds out his hand and take it. He helps me to my feet and I brush off my pants.

     I look over and see the lever that will pull down the ladder for the attic. "Hey Mono, you think we can pull that down?" He nods and walks over to the lever; I walk up with him and he cups his hands to boost me up. I put my foot in his hands letting him boost me up. I grab onto the handle and it moves but the ladder doesn't come down. "Mono, grab onto my legs. I think we need more weight."

     I feel his hands wrap around my legs and our weight pulls down the ladder. We fall down to the floor in a heap, the ladder slamming onto the floor. I hear something coming from one of the other rooms and I get up. I quickly climb up the ladder not wanting to find out if the Hunter is in here.

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